Jesse in Japan

Hey, men have to give blowjobs for good jobs too, you know. (I'm kidding.)

Google really pisses me off by doing that. People in France are perfectly capable of typing in if they want to see the French version of the site. Redirecting automatically makes it needlessly difficult to access the version of Google you want.

Infinity isn't a number; it's a concept.

Every day I go to the bank and I withdraw 30 dollars all in pennies. Then I shove them up my ass—one at a time, of course—and then spend them. I've beeen shoving pennies up my ass for 9 years, so whenever I see somebody who intimidates me, I just think that he's probably handled pennies that have been up my ass. That

Actually, he wouldn't have said that because he wasn't married to her yet. He would have said, お嫁 for a wife to be.

Here's a crazy theory for you: I think there might be some kind of connection to Totoro being on TV last Friday and this story appearing just now...

Yeah, it's just like how 15 year old girls can work at Hooters in America because they're just serving up wings.

If they're going to have Invisible Man on the list, they should have Native Son, too. Those two books should be read together.

It's like a CIA agent walking into the Russian embassy and saying, "Here's a copy of all of our state secrets. Also, here's a ton of money. Please take it!"

Wait, wait... He paid them for the malware? Isn't that the other way around? That makes no sense whatsoever.

Snow Crash? Or hell, anything by Neal Stephenson for that matter.

Where the hell do they find people who drink only six cups of coffee per day?

How many years?

How about making birth control widely available to any woman and/or condoms available to any man or woman who wants them? No questions asked. No judgement.

That's funny. In college, I was taught to slow down, re-read sentences where necessary and use critical thinking/reading skills whenever reading. I'm not saying that it's bad to read quickly, but that's only a minor reading skill.

Japan as a country is not aggressively pursuing immigration, but corporations are a different matter. Companies these days understand that the work force is getting smaller and that there's lots of talent in nearby countries who would kill for the opportunity to work here.

That's why I mentioned language. If you're not learning the language, then you're not really even trying to learn the culture. (And in the case of Japanese, if you're not learning kanji, you're not really learning the language.)

There are three types of foreigners you generally see in Asian countries: people who are just on vacation there, people who live there but who don't bother to learn the language or culture and people who live there and work hard to learn the language and the culture.

Now, now, let's give Mr. Wakita credit. At least the upskirt pictures he was taking were of a woman whose age was a 2-digit number that started with a 2. That's more than you can say for a lot of people who do that kind of thing.

Lupin's head shouldn't be so shiny...