Jesse in Japan

I don't like AKB48 either, but I usually just jokingly call them AKB48,000 and suggest that it's really a conspiracy for world domination.

There were only like 5,000 people back then. Everyone was prominent.

How could there not be life on other planets?

That's another reason why handguns shouldn't have hair triggers. A child that age shouldn't physically be capable of pulling a trigger.

Skittles (which you can get in Hong Kong or Taiwan), Lucky Charms cereal, Corn Pops cereal (just about any kind of cereal, really), Twizzlers, Tic Tacs (also available elsewhere in Asia), Cheez-Its, Nyquil (eh, it's kind of a snack), Fruit Roll-Ups... the list goes on and on...

Actresses? Try body doubles.

You're telling me that the guy who became CEO in 2005 is just now the fall guy? He may have come in the clean up Idei's mess, but he hasn't exactly done a very good job with that, now has he?

Is nobody going to mention the gigantic human disaster that was Howard Stringer?

Yeah, I think you should hang your *bleep* in shame for this unnecessary comment.

I'm from the States and I didn't touch chopsticks until I was in college, but I mean seriously, it's actually harder to eat most things with a fork. You can pick up grains of rice with chopsticks with no problem.

I know. Japanese people always say, "How can you not like Doraemon?" To which I reply (rough translation): "Nobita is the most pathetic, worthless excuse for a human being I have ever seen. And he's like, the main character!"

They need to have a law requiring video game systems to have a button that temporarily stops gameplay. They could call it a "stop button."

If the food is crappy but the service is just fine, I usually leave a better than average tip. It's not the wait staff's fault, after all.

I tend to assume that I'm right, but I also tend to believe that a third party will only agree with me if he or she happens to be intelligent. And that handily explains my opinion if the third party doesn't agree with me.

Are you sure about that? I have never bought a DS game that didn't have a point slip in it.

I'm talking about people in Japan...

Damn, I gotta go get me some bargain bin DS games to rack up some points!

The anime was good too, but there are so many hilarious things hidden in those lists which only flash on screen for a second in the anime.

Ugh, I'm not that desperate for girls.

OK, here's an idea: let's just call everything earthen?