I've been reading a lot of articles about Sony in Japanese business magazines (they have them lying around the office for when things aren't too busy—because we are blocked from using the real Internet at work, but I digress).
I've been reading a lot of articles about Sony in Japanese business magazines (they have them lying around the office for when things aren't too busy—because we are blocked from using the real Internet at work, but I digress).
And a McDonalds in Japan is an American McDonalds? Or does that not count if it's a separate corporate entity?
A convenience store in Taiwan is a Taiwanese convenient store. Family Mart is a Japanese-owned convenience store in Taiwan.
As long as I'm only splitting it with one person, I still make a profit. And what are the odds that two other people will win, huh?
Wait, the odds are 175.7 million to one? Damn, I'm gonna go out and buy 175.7 million lottery tickets. I can't lose if I've got every possible number combination!
I always just say, "I think that if you perform a cost/benefit analysis on that one, you'll find that it's not worth the time and effort." That usually shuts them up.
I think I'll stick with watching movies on my laptop while curled up in bed, thank you.
People whose native language happens to be English will often find that it's not really necessary to learn another language. Believe me, programming is not replacing language learning in other parts of the world.
She's 15? With all that make-up slathered on her face, she looks like she's at least 30.
The cram school was also run by a smuggler (not the same smuggler, mind you).
For 37.50, there are high school girls who would do just that (not saying you should do that, of course; just there are worse things people do for chump change.)
The article says she's a senior, not a junior.
Nazi zombie? Zombie Nazi? Wait, are we talking about people who were Nazis in life and then became zombies after they died or are we talking about people who died and then became affiliated with Nazis?
Never mind the size of the tank; great white sharks can't survive in captivity at all.
Well, that's the thing. It's not the "dating" per se. If you catch my drift...
I'm surprised you remembered me. It's been, what, 6 months or so? (^ ^)
They pushed the game back out of respect for the earthquake? I didn't know the earthquake gods were so easy to appease.
That's not a pillow; it's a shopping bag with an anime character printed on it.
Wow, that's so crazy! Those crazy Chinese Commies come up with all sorts of crazy things.
At least he gave the letter to all of the girls in his class. If he had only given it to a couple, that would have been REALLY creepy.