I have to disagree with you that the Hepburn system is the only system that should be used for romaji. I have a much better system.
I have to disagree with you that the Hepburn system is the only system that should be used for romaji. I have a much better system.
The real problem is trying to write words like 感謝祭 in romaji in the first place. Romaji is only supposed to exist to convey proper nouns and certain concepts for which there is no English equivalent. Writing a Japanese word in romaji just looks stupid (or, in the English equivalent of writing a Japanese word in…
I hate anything that's popular, even if it is to my liking. I can't tell you how many times I've loved a movie a the theater only to hate it once it starts getting really popular. Such is the life of a curmudgeon.
I'm talking about the men who saw that profile and decided it was actually a good idea to go to that woman's house.
On a side note, this is another reason why you shouldn't go trolling for sex with strangers on Craigslist.
Are they counting JFK's zombie-killing mayhem as part of the ending?
What is he talking about? Han didn't shoot at all. Greedo clearly turned his blaster on himself and pulled the trigger after realizing how pointless his life had become.
As an American expat, I've got to ask: Does Slingbox allow you to stream shows to computers in other countries? I'd buy one on the spot if the answer is yes.
I had a similar problem playing Deus Ex on my laptop with an NVidia GPU. Whenever the game hit a cut scene, it would switch to the Intel chip and when the cut scene ended, the game crashed. I had to switch to the lowest graphics settings just before the cut scenes and then turn them back up after. Since I don't use…
Although I wholeheartedly agree with you about the importance of practicing speaking from the get-go, I also think that it's just as useful and important to practice writing in your second language as well. Writing gives you chances to practice and use language that you wouldn't normally have a chance to talk about…
Are you saying that the bookstore was a national holiday? (Sorry, couldn't resist...)
Even the aliens who assume that this is our way of communicating will be like WTF?
My point is: "No Shenmue 3 = to hell with Sega."
If Sega goes ahead and makes Shenmue 3, it probably won't save them.
No, the point is that Mountain Dew is highly corrosive.
Am I the only one who felt like an asshole going around to all of the stores and saying, "I'm Commander Shephard, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel." I mean, come on, talk about whoring yourself out and being disingenuous.
Oh come on. Everyone knows that Kim Jong Il never existed and that his image was created by the Ministry of Truth as a composite.
So being angry and depressed are good things? How would you feel if one of your exes phoned you up to tell you that they'd been cheating on you all those years ago. It's better for HER, not better for him.
She most certainly does not know that what she did was terrible.
Gee, it sounds like telling your ex about cheating helped make somebody (not your ex) feel better about herself (not going to name names here).