Shitty! I was secretly hoping I was wrong... which not a thing that happens often with me!
Shitty! I was secretly hoping I was wrong... which not a thing that happens often with me!
Knowing Hollywood that's exactly what they are!
Aaahhh... they do look similar but now I see the difference... wtf are they then? Where the botanist of Jezebel?
This is a good idea, especially if we're trying to promote STEM education! I grew up thinking that I would never succeed in math, until I had a teacher in college who put it in English.
Me too, but I must admit, I'm scared that him talking too much will ruin my fantasy.
I agree with that, thanks for the clarification.
I always thought it had heavy pigment, I must try now! I just got into lip stains, this one looks juicier, so I think I'll like it better...
Is that black honey? It looks freaking awesome on her!
I'm so damn confused. Are they trying to help girls not develop ambiguous genitalia and abnormal skeletal growth or are they preventing girls from becoming lesbians? The first two sound like horrible things to have happen to your child and the latter is a horrible thing to do to your child. Just one more reason to add…
Yeah, they broke up right after Renegades of Funk I believe. They may have done a short reunion thing, I live in Hawaii and we don't get shit for concerts out here, but most of the band is part of Audioslave with Chris Cornell. I'm not sure what's going on with them, but I don't think they're making music anymore as…
I don't get it either, he must just really get people to let loose. Or give them something to get them loose. I dunno. But I like what he did with Rick Ross...
Especially since if you take all the medals won by the US women, they'd be the third biggest nation competing in the games. The women carried the US through the games.
I still miss Zack de la Rocha too! Maybe they can settle their differences, unite in their hate of Paul Ryan, and start making good music again, or not... Until that happens or hell freezes over, here's some Rage for your Friday.
All so sad, but it's good that we learn about what happened, so much of it has been covered up or just not talked about. Thanks for the recommendation, it's on my Netflix cue.
Yes he would, hopefully he's not leaving too!
Cosigned. I think that everyone should watch the movie about his life and what happened in El Salvador. We've got it pretty good here and now, no matter how bat shit crazy the right wing is.
Good, tell him to keep that shit up, he'll make some girl (and her mom) real happy someday!
Yes, but we would have never had this!
With all this money they are raising, you'd think that they would get their VP candidate a suit tailored to fit. But maybe we should shut up, because the over sized clothes make him look like a doofus and that is a good thing people!
Hmmmm... thought I got my blonde hair because my ancestors hail from the Nordic countries. Maybe it's just because the cavemen went North? Because, there are also blonde men, and from the sounds of it, cavewomen didn't get that much choice in who they got to mate with.