I bet he has a hard time with those Summer Girls now...
I bet he has a hard time with those Summer Girls now...
Most brothers are in fact assholes. The Israeli army know's whats up... I took a Krav Maga class and almost died from exhaustion.
OMG yes... I love that movie! She plays psycho sex bomb very well.
Peter picker uppers deserves a #COTD... that's fucking great! It's almost like Courtney Stodden is advertising for Viagra... oh wait.. she is already huh.
I hope this happens, I fought with my roommate for hours a few weeks ago in regards to this. I'm not in the military, but it must be the biggest slap in the face for women in the military to be sent into hostile territory and told they have to risk their lives but can't go into combat situations because they are…
Bam, she solved the riddle!
When will the government learn that tomatoes are in fact fruits... not vegetables? Pizza can be nutritious (and just about anything else) if you put veggies on it, you can even puree them to a pulp and nobody would ever know. I remember my school lunch's pizza to be full of a ketchup like substance and something the…
That is such a cute idea for the bachelorette party I'm planning! I bet you could get all fancy and do a lace motif, thank you for inadvertently giving me one of the best ideas I've came up with for this damn thing. I was originally looking for a picture of Eric Sanchez's booty... then I saw the strawberries and got…
I'm an all around sports fan... I know about most sports and can follow them with ease (even boring ass golf). I follow sports more than my boyfriend. That being said, women do look at sports differently, even if they are die hard fans.
My cousin wore red ones and another friend had white leather ones and her bridesmaids got theirs dyed to match their dresses... Chucks are much cuter than any of the other bridesmaid's shoes I've seen.
I just emailed this to my pregnant sister in law... I am so excited for her to give birth! So excited it's not me...
I would much rather have these sparkly Chucks...
@Conky's Evil Twin is right... most people would lose it if they saw what goes down in Thailand with our servicemen. You cannot blame an infantryman for trying to get some on the downtime (as long as he's safe and single) but if you're in the god damned secret service get your shit together and learn how to pay for…
Awww.. poor puppy.
Same goes for senior care... pretty much all the stuff you listed that benefit kids will benefit an aging adult in some sort of care facility. Especially in the inappropriate department.
If you or your family hails from the South and are Caucasian, chances are someone in your family line owned slaves. It's nothing to be ashamed of, it's history.
I was a kid when X-Files came out and my parents let me watch it so they could fuck with me. I believed I had oil in my eyes for years. Assholes.
He was just as creepy then as he is now.. not so surprising when you think back.
I need more alliteration in the title.
Yup... that word alone has literally fucked up a whole generation of women in regards to their relationship to food.