
Brush control is part of Cal Fire policy and law, though. If you live in a high fire hazard area you have to have 100 feet of clear space around a residence, and Cal Fire carries out controlled burns all over the state. Private individuals are often limited in what they can do in terms of burning debris, but that’s

Now playing

Am I the only one who remembers this delightful Hannah Barbera cartoon they used to play after Jabberjaw on cartoon network on friday night back in the late 90s?

Except that it’s been quite well documented. The trespassing arrest, the restraining order, the text message in which she says he both cheated on her and strangled her and he tacitly admits it, an endless trail of police reports in Ohio and Florida...

John Deeres only go so fast...

“He really raves about the hot dogs.”

While I hate to bring you out of the grays, Tomato Face, this time it needs to be done. The reason why you “saw that too”, is because you posted it yourself from your previous burner account:


Awww, that’s nice. Finally a news item about Florid Man that doesn’t involve injuries.

Speak for yourself. Once I get warmed up, I’m aces at cornhole.

I also pitch when I play slo-pitch. So, I’m just a top notch underhanded tosser.

I’ll show myself out.

way to ruin Magary’s vacation by posting Gary Anderson not missing

Came here to say exactly this.  Dave and “Gary” have a wonderful conversation about that death trap.

I’ve been to Seattle many times, and on the list of things to do, seeing the Mariners ranked just below taking a shit in a bus terminal bath, but just above getting hit by a bus.

I saw Michigan J. Frog’s low ranking, and I nearly croaked.

We’ve been having unusually bright and sunny days in London, so I think that the colours got washed out in a lot of the photos.

Because, it seems, the president didn’t want to risk walking past reporters who could, you know, ask him questions on his way to the helicopter.

We’re constantly told athletics are a mere enhancement of the educational experience. We all know, at the highest level, that isn’t true. A coach saying they know “what’s best” for one of their guys insults our intelligence. Players are attending a university, not a football program. They should subject to the rules

Classic. Averages a shade under 130 all purpose yards a game, but he sucks because he wants more money and he doesn't praaaaactice. 

Are you protesting anything? “Yes, you and your ilk”

At least they weren’t gun grabbers like Reagan.  

As a lifelong Alaskan and a Democrat, let me tell you that Alaska is exactly as fucking backwards and asinine as most people believe, politically at least. 9/10 of the people who live here are ferverent Republicans or worse, libertarians. These people will piss and moan about socialism and Obama and in the very next