
We get a lot of foraged mushrooms in our CSA, so going to make the shit out of this. This recipe looks so good that there isn’t mushroom for improvement.

I don’t know why it’s anyone’s place to judge anyone else that chooses to patronize a restuarant now. How do they know whether or not you have antibodies, or have been vaccinated? In the end, it’s up to states to determine whether indoor dining is legal - and it’s up to individuals to determine what level of risk

Shoulda called it No Direction Home and had Peter using time travel and hiding out in Greenwich Village as an idiosyncratic folksinger.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to compare a failed emergency response (TX today) to a planned and phased drawdown of fossil fuels which would limit the available backup capacity when wind and renewables take over (what you seem to be concerned about). The blackouts are because the collective generation capacity can’t

Amazon Games was one of Bezos’ pet projects along with Amazon Studios/Prime Video. He specifically wanted to “win at video games”. Amazon Studios has more than proven its worth at this point, but they can easily cut their losses for Amazon Games.

I’m excited for Godzilla Vs. Kong but we all know how it will end. Kong will be near death, with Godzilla about to deliver the coup de grace, but then Kong will say “Mothra... and ‘Zilla will be like “WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?!” and then they’ll be friends.

As long as they’re meeting their other obligations, who cares? I could just as easily blow away several hours in a book and still have accomplished exactly as much as having played Assassin’s Creed all day. Human beings aren’t designed to do nothing but work 24/7, one hobby is as good as another, so long as it doesn’t

As a Gen-Xer with a young kid gamer, I cannot believe other parents of my generation are making this an issue. We’ve been plugged in since we were children ourselves; growing up in the last gasp of the Atari consoles to the debuts of Nintendo and Sega, during the prime of arcade gaming. We got older and our screen

Take this with a grain of salt, but my kids were playing video games during this pandemic and then their heads exploded. We couldn’t afford to pay for the funeral and have just left the mess by the television.

What are you going to do when you’re married and stressed, take a little time for yourself and do something you’re passionate about while you collect your thoughts and process things?

It is, of course, in no way coincidental that this is all happening now - the Twitter bans, Parler losing its web hosting and its apps getting pulled, Trump’s minions losing their megaphones. It’s all happening at the same time because, all at once, Trump lost his power to credibly threaten them. These explanations

Octopuses need to figure out how to live longer than a couple of years first. Right now, I’ve got yogurt older than them. 

They are chicken McNuggets. If these are the questions you have, you do not want Chicken McNuggets

He would've made a marvelous Bannon in the inevitable docudrama, though. 

Because they kept getting an error when they tried to upload the story to Splinter.

Jedi came out in 2016? what?”

Doesn’t really sound like you actually “look” for anything regarding politics.

might as well burn all art and media before the 1980s then

The Good Place. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the show start to finish and it’s amazing and wonderful and all that jazz, but it never reached as high as the “what the fork is going on?” mysteries of S1, culminating in one of the best reveals (and evil laughs) in TV history