
No, I’m pretty sure they had IT make it so the “little red snakes” stopped showing up under every other wrote they typed by turning off auto correct.

You should have waited a year and taken your kids to watch the joint Russian/North Korean military parade down Pennsylvania Ave.

Dude, if you’ve got the good stuff, don’t bogart it! It’s puff puff PASS!

You have the teams backwards

In behindsight it’s the right thing to do.

Oh, cool, someone figured out how to play Dark Souls like Youtube makes it look after a gameplay upload!

The law itself worked and was decently constructed. However, its hard to keep a program like that running when the opposition party keeps knocking the legs out from under the stool it’s sitting on. Most importantly, it codified healthcare as an inalienable right, which means the next time Democrats are in power, we

Gone are the erstwhile days in which we could call Canada “America’s Hat”. Soon, if this keeps up, we’ll be “Canada’s Uggs”, because we will be that shitty and tasteless.

If thats the type of questions you want asked, then you are the part of the reason that people hate people that are into sports.

I’d consider tapping out at lunch and watching Woody for the remainder of the day.

You mean the same LeBron who told them not to trade Kyrie but they did anyway? I know it doesn’t fit your narrative that this team is somehow Lebron’s creation but it’s the truth and is well documented.

Is this the real life? Is this just mapleleaf?
Caught in a sandwich, no escape for Ron McLean
Open your mouth, guess what it is you’ll eat

By asking Frances to lighten up on them, these teams are really showing their true stripes.

What entitles an employer to compel a specific form of political speech not directly related to the performance of a job?

So according to Trump, orange is the new black?

... deterioration of the family...
... violent movies...
... the internet...
... pornography...

Flags are symbols, and they symbolize different things to different people.

The new policy is bad news for Ryan Shazier.

Two or three times less than they’ve watched Boondock Saints.

He learned this move from his good friend Bob: