Man, you should read up on how the Founders, whom you likely cherish as the epitome of all things patriotic, felt about standing armies.
Man, you should read up on how the Founders, whom you likely cherish as the epitome of all things patriotic, felt about standing armies.
In the case of something like America’s Army, interested parties go looking for it if their intent is to look into the military. Recruiting is going after parties directly, and in this particular case those parties are largely children who can barely decide between chocolate or white milk with their lunch.
Broad fucking brush, holy shit. Every vet and active military member I know signed up. None of them were lost or hopeless. One was a lawyer when he enlisted. I’m a progressive to the bone, but fuck me this is some dumb shit that makes other progressives look like assholes to the people whose minds they’re trying to…
Nice bubble you live in. I can name five progressive friends of mine who were all active duty military. Factors a bit into their progressive perspectives. Get out more.
You think it’s okay for the military to aim recruiting efforts at kids too young to even drive a car or vote? People freak out when colleges start recruiting athletes at very young ages. This is no different, though potentially very deadly for the targets of the effort.
If by “memorable” you mean “predictable,” then sure.
Having lived in “bumfuck” for a long time, I’m incredibly glad that if I’m stuck sitting somewhere for any reason that I can reach out and get help or just not feel incredibly bored. Doesn’t mean the world stops for my needs or that someone else’s overtake mine. It’s probably considered a selfish perspective, but if…
Edited to add: I would also never leave for a stretch of time and not let them know where I would be, particularly not if there was a situation that might need my immediate attention. I just feel like there’s a lack of awareness of others’ time. Because one person has a bit on their hands doesn’t mean the other person…
No, this isn’t male privilege. This is basic respect. I just got out of a relationship with someone who would lose their damn mind if I didn’t respond to a text or phone call in whatever amount of time they deemed reasonable. It was utterly stressful. In the Before Times I didn’t always carry my phone around with me…
I doubt it was banned in any way, that’s just how Kinja works for reasons even the developers don’t understand. I’ve made comments that have gotten starred several times, but if I just leisurely scroll through the comments it doesn’t show up.
There’s nothing from your childhood that, upon remembering it, makes you stop and smile just a little bit? Man, that’s rough. If I even see a Slush Puppie machine, or just the dog mascot from it, I can smell the ice rink I started playing hockey at. My dad would always have a blue raspberry Slush waiting for me after…
I mean, how old are ya? I’m about to be 46 and still game. Granted, I’ve been doing it since I was a kid so it’s still mostly 2nd nature, but I haven’t much noticed reflexes being in issue, even in the more complicated games. The bigger frustrations for me are games that require a ton of consistent time put into them,…
Staying silent in the face of the actions of bad cops does not a good cop make, no matter if they’re good people or not.
He’s too old for this shit.
That’s Rakeland. Used to be Reichland before the aliens invaded earth and defeated the Nazis. Now only fishes live there. Thought everyone knew this.
Wait... that was all Kilmer’s fault? I thought it was Brando who sent that dude off the reservation.
I went hunting for this earlier and the best I could find was that the milkshake machine wasn’t rinsed out well enough so a bit of cleaning solution may have still been in it when the shakes were made. These dickheads can slice it as thin as they want, but that’s not remotely poisoning.
While I mainly agree, if I’m feeding kids something that takes syrup they’re not getting maple syrup. It’s wasted on them. They can suffer the cheap shit until they can buy their own good stuff.
Seriously? You’re going to pretend you don’t know what an accident is? Or are the cops only allowed to claim an accident after they’ve shot someone who was no threat? Nobody intentionally served them a cleaning product, you fucking imbecile.
But you’re going to criticize it nonetheless. What a hero you are!