
If I’m spending 30 mins/week standing in line at the grocery store, I’ve done fucked up somewhere. I’m in and out of a grocery store in less than an hour, maybe 10 mins of that is in line. I go early and never have issues with this kind of stuff. 

If grocery shopping takes you any more than an hour, you’re doing it very wrong. I get that weekends are special and all of that, but the time it takes me to buy some food isn’t crimping any weekend moves I may plan to make by any stretch.

Pre-packaged everything, nothing bulk whatsoever is my best guest. It’s the worst possible way to sell certain things. My usual grocery store recently started doing this with things like poblano peppers, an item I typically only need one or two of for a given recipe. Now I have to by 6 at a time, 4-5 of which won’t

I started reading the article and was only two paragraphs in when murder seemed like a very rational thing I might do.

So long as it doesn’t migrate over to Deadspin I’m fine with it.... oh, wait... 

Nope. Same format as they’ve always been since Kinja reared its ugly head.

Fuck! I agree with Pence on something. This is a dark, dark day.

I think it depend on where in PA. I grew up in NWPA and they were always Samoas there. I never saw Caramel Delites until I moved to SC/SEPA. Now I just don’t see any Girl Scout cookies at all, and this makes me sad :(

Haven’t watched a second of a single episode of the show and don’t know what you’re talking about at all, do you? 

It’s a show that plays out like it was adapted from a graphic novel and you’re bugged by it upping the shock value of a scene?? Jesus, get some perspective.

Which podcast?

From some other comments, you can change the settings on the new version.

It’s a bagel from McDonald’s. I’m not sure the words “perfectly” or “good,” in any order, apply.

If it’s wrapped up in that waxed sandwich paper or whatever, it does pretty well. The bagel shop by my office puts an ungodly amount of cream cheese on their bagels and before I learned to get it on the side, I never had a bagel swimming in a cream cheese puddle by the time I got back to my desk.

I used some celery that was left over from wings the night before to prop up a pork loin roast because I’d left my rack at a friend’s place. I never expected to actually want to eat celery until this happy accident. Or when it’s used to shovel blue cheese dressing into my face.

Do you store cast iron pans somewhere other than in a cabinet or on a rack of some sort?

You’re aware he doesn’t work for EA, right? If he chose to make EA Sports games his livelihood, he should have considered the outcome of blowing off his mouth like a fucking idiot beforehand. He did this to himself.

Who are you trying to fool? They don’t even hold their noses when they vote. They do it happily.

I’ve heard these weren’t that great from someone I know personally. They weren’t quite as harsh as your review, but they said it wasn’t worth the time in line, nor the effort of eating it. However, they also live off of microwave meals, so a grain of salt or several may be required.

I also enjoy brushing my teeth with sand paper and sprinkling ground glass ahead of me while walking barefoot. Where can I subscribe to your news letter, good sir or madam?

I also enjoy brushing my teeth with sand paper and sprinkling ground glass ahead of me while walking barefoot. Where