
This comment is treading on thin ice.

Yeah, pretty much this. When my partner and I go out, we will decide quickly on an app or two, place that order, then peruse the menu until that comes out. Then we’ll place our main order and pick at the app until it arrives. It’s not that much of a puzzle, really.

Yeah, that’s it. He got a ride most of the way up, if I remember correctly, then had to hike it the rest of the way.

There’s usually a readme or other instructions packed into the compressed file that’s downloaded. Grab one and check it out. I’ve never gotten a mod from Nexus that didn’t include instructions.

It sounds more like a darkness issue than anything else. If the entire screen is dark because that’s the theme of the game, it’s going to be reflecting every damn thing in your vicinity back at you. Combine that with a smaller screen and it makes things pretty difficult in a game like this one.

The fucking androids! I kept getting merc’d by them in one particular area and could not get past them. Shut it down in frustration and haven’t been back. 

It’s a fantastic game and worth the time sunk into it. Even the sidequest stories are fully fleshed and interesting in most cases. One thing to know before you take the dive: expect the first several hours in the opening area, White Orchard, to feel like a bit of a slog. It’s basically the tutorial area and it can be

I recently finished the books and didn’t really get a read on Scoresby’s age until he yakked with the witch and talked about retiring to a ranch. All of a sudden he read like an older gent when I’d been assuming he was somewhere around younger middle age. When did he climb a mountain in The Subtle Knife? You’d think

On the subreddit for the show, someone mentioned that the animated goose was attempted, but looked too silly to put on screen, hence the change. 

The grocery store I shop at seems to think it affects all of them. There wasn’t a single head nor bag of Romaine anywhere in the produce section when I went yesterday. Except for 3 packs of Romaine hearts, for some reason. Those were still there.

Playing SoulsBorne games offline feels so weird without the notes. I can do without invasions, but the notes always make it so much more interesting.

After the 2nd episode, I needed to know more so I bought all of the books in the first trilogy. I’ve only got two chapters left in the 3rd book and don’t want it to end.

I’m way behind on a bunch of games, but I can’t seem to really settle into any one in particular. I currently am a good way through Horizon: Zero Dawn, but seem to have hit a mental roadblock in that I just don’t really feel like I want to go back to it. Sometimes that game is breathtaking and really holds my

This isn’t the case at all. Kitchen staff boxes up the food, puts it in under the heat lamp when it’s done. Hell, in many cases they’ll even toss in plastic utensils and napkins and run it out to the floor. All servers/bartenders do is hand it over and take payment, maybe run back to the kitchen to pick it up and hand

Wait, what? Is that true? I always thought it was just fixed-gear, as in like your typical BMX/dirt bike vs anything that has more gears. I am not much of a bicycle knower.

Where do you attach the meat grinder, pasta maker, etc? 

I would fuck up an entire box of Pop-Tarts ice cream sandwiches. I never knew until now that I need these in my life!!

I’ve not had any family in my area for about 20 years, am somewhat estranged from my father, and going to my mother’s 8 hours away, despite loving her to death, would actually be worse than staying at home alone. Used to be over the years that friends in a similar circumstance would get together and have Thanksgiving

Does it crumble pretty readily? I’ve only had it once and made the patties as they were, didn’t try to get too creative with them.

Then it wouldn’t be Chex mix, but some mutant abomination(kidding, that would probably be fucking awesome!)