Based on my being an Expert Knower of Accents(narrator: He’s not an Expert Knower of Accents) I believe one is British and the other is Irish, so you may have it on the nose.
Based on my being an Expert Knower of Accents(narrator: He’s not an Expert Knower of Accents) I believe one is British and the other is Irish, so you may have it on the nose.
Thanks for this! I like having tofu handy, but, like you, don’t have the time for the squishing process after a day of work.
Wouldn’t tranquilizing a large mammal in a bog only have compounded the problem? They’d then have to get a very heavy cow out of the water before it drowned. I’m kinda glad the shooter was a shit shot.
Get off my welcome mat?
A friend turned me on to this podcast a few months ago. I’ve since run through all the available episodes in about a week or so. Am listening to the episode about another MAGA stooge, Bill Mitchell. It’s hilariously depressing.
I’ll grab the bagged version when I’m really in need, but it never really does it. I haven’t had homemade stuff in years, but I can never get past the ~$12 for 3 boxes of cereal I’d need. So I go to a bar and spend that on 2 whiskies because I’m totally fiscally responsible.
The UK feed is awesome! Someone told me about it last year and it’s the only way I’ll watch the games on Prime now.
It’s funny how Wheat Chex is awful to eat as cereal but the absolute best of the three when transmogrified into Chex Mix. It’s tight wheat weave allows it to absorb all the butter and assorted spices and hold them inside, unlike the Corn and Rice Chex, which only get a surface glazing that, while tasty, doesn’t carry…
Yeah, it’s an ingredient, not a dish on its own.
Can you explain what a cold cheese slice is, please? In my addled brain, I’m seeing a normal slice but with fresh cheese tossed atop it and then handed to me without being heated at all.
Can’t tell if kidding so: keep your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!
How do you know there isn’t some form of notification at the joint Rovell ate at? Do you think he’s being choir boy honest, or is he stirring shit so he gets more attention? I’ve never eaten anywhere that hasn’t had something posted regarding any added fees on the bill. It’s typically to do with adding a gratuity for…
That song pops into my head at least once every other month for no good reason, then I’m obligated to look it up on youtube to scratch the itch.
How about if you watch a shitload of British TV? Because that’s how my friends and I started using “bruv.”
Are you old enough to have seen Poison locally? Because that would be... well, something.
Regardless of your stance on healthcare
They include it as a line item specifically to draw a reaction. Way to play into it. Regardless of your stance on healthcare, this is exactly what they’re shooting for, Curly.
It will be if it ever fucking arrives. I want to open windows and not have to use AC, but it’s looking like another week of this bullshit hot and humid sweating bullshit.
Witcher 3 is awful with ambient brightness inside of buildings. In caves and shit, yeah, I expect to use cat or a torch or something, but inside a lodge??? It drove me nuts and no amount of adjusting fixed the problem, nor could I find any mods or changes to files that helped. Very annoying.