
Some low part of me sort of wants this guy to get off because of his attorney’s argument, if for no other reason than to set a precedent that the President is a shit-stirring anal fissure. I know it won’t happen, and I should really be concerned for the boy first, but this is the darkest timeline.

  • Woman looking for recommendations of things to do while visiting Chicago (easily half a dozen “jokes” about bringing her bullet proof vest and/or sidearm, be sure to come back alive, etc)

Making the alternatives more widespread is all fine and good, but there’s no way in hell this stuff is going to change the entire food culture of a nation. I have no problems with eating less meat, or eating a meat replacement, but as someone who very much likes to cook, you’d never get me to substitute a pork

No worries on finding a non-batshit candidate. Your idiot “team” has those on lockdown for the foreseeable future.

You seriously need to fuck right the fuck off with all of this bullshit you’re slinging in these comments. None of it is sourced information, just your dumb fucking equivocating bullshit. Dumb fucker.

I don’t think the protein is what’s in question with these, but overall nutrition. There’s a side-by-side comparison at the link below. Take from it whatever you will.

The info you seek is in the article.

I get this perspective, but if you already don’t eat beef more than maybe once every other month, how much difference does it make? Also, why would someone who already eats beef in moderation squander an opportunity for real beef on this? I’m not against it whatsoever and look forward to trying one, but I can’t see it

How the hell did I miss the pre-shiver punch when I first saw this???

I’m combining guesswork(I have been shaving my own head for a looong time) with how often a few friends of mine go. They keep their shit tight, no way they’re going once every three months or so. Let’s find a middle ground and go with once a month.

No you’re not, you disingenuous fuck.

You’re a dumb fuck. How do you even breathe on your own?

+ 1 tossed salad, hold the scrambled eggs

Holy shit!!! He’s 39!!??!! I’m 45 and unless I just completely let myself go, I don’t look as bad as he does. AND I DRINK A LOT!!!!!

Think post-merger. That’s what I’m talking about. They can claim the pre-merger championships if they want, but it doesn’t carry as much weight.

Blow Pop gum is only a few ticks better than Dubble Bubble or baseball card gum. The only time it’s good is when you’re finally able to crack the thin veneer of candy and crunch it down into the gum. Soon as the candy is gone, the gum should be ejected as quickly as possible.

Are you 85?

Are you by any chance in western PA? I worked in a couple of pizza shops when I lived in Pittsburgh, and both of them sold wedgies. They really weren’t all that bad.

Man, I hope you don’t ever use the internet, because I’ve got some news for y... oh, wait... 

Yeah, this game is right up my alley and I’ll still probably pick it up at some point, but the art is messing with me. As a (much) older gamer, I get the nostalgia the look conjures up, but also my damned eyes are already going shitty. I don’t need any help!