Your boy, BJR

I like how big a role this one Saturday Evening Post ad plays in our cult. It’s like we were stranded on a desert island with it and from the Saturday Evening Post we teach our children that Hupmobile is all that is fit for a gentleman in a car.

Street racing with night vision goggles

If an eel owned a car? Yeah, no: fuck eels.

Using the red key for my E46 would spit the transmission out and spontaneously combust the interior.


Oh boy. *cracks knuckles* this is my moment.


Little known fact: Kim Jong Un’s numerous claims about his regime and its accomplishments are more truthful than most claims about how great New York is.

This story sounds familiar. Except this guy took his own walking papers instead of being given them. With no explanation. For a site that used to be very open about it’s changes in the staff (bidding goodbye and welcoming) it’s been very quiet around here. The community will devolve the more you distance yourselves

I was literally writing this post while getting fired. A new experience.

I like to pay for my Tibet. The free stuff just doesn’t have the same quality.

Bernie Sanders stickers. I refuse to tow people with those because I won’t get paid.

3rd time I’ll tell you this: you got banned for personally attacking people that disagreed with you. The HHR had NOTHING to do with it. The fact that you hold onto the lie that you were wrongly banned over one conversation about a Chevy shows how imensly out of touch you are.

I know of this great writer named Sean. He writes really informative and interesting articles. He's really broadened my view on all forms of transportation.

New Jersey has more horses per square mile than any other state.

Is Sean really gone?

Hate-clicks are pretty much the entire Gawker business model at this point.

Dude is Furry and has been banned from a few other automotive fourms.

Sometimes I revisit this article and reflect fondly on where we came from.