Your boy, BJR

Yellow exterior, red interior...and yellow seat belts? Yikes.  I hope “Chris Smith” here was just fucking around with the configurator but I don’t think so because the status says Sold. Did the local McDonald’s place a build order?

So if I’m reading correctly, the hot take from this article is “It’s ok to buy a high mileage car if it’s meticulously maintained”. Astonishing 

“I should have never left the ship...”

In a court of law, no less.

GoFundMe is a pox on society. Who the fuck is giving this dipshit charity because he was caught in the act of multiple crimes? Why can’t he afford an attorney if he can afford a hellcat?

Those who voted for him will be, if there’s any justice, the most damaged. Let the relatives they love the most be deported by Trump, and let red states and counties be destroyed by him and his minions. Held my tongue (mostly) during Reagan and Bush I, less so during W, the Boy King, but now there is no silencing

There’s no such thing as too much of an opportunity to point out how terrible he is.

I can’t wait for all the BENGHAZI! people to not talk about this. Ever.

I Hate Miatas
Now playing

“Well, I understand your occasional need to haul spare parts to the track, but really, the Miata’s trunk is

There’s a strong intersection between the type of dude who wants a brown turbo diesel manual wagon, and the type of dude who would fly 5000 miles on a whim to see a woman he’s only texted.

First, it’s a damn fine restoration and were this just some barn find, I’d be behind it 100%.

The removal of the modifications is kinda lame.

He would shoot it first.

Elvis would not approve. He would lower it, drop an LS motor in it and repaint it.

Wait you can’t compare the Panamera and the Giulia.

Didn’t spend four years fighting the little yella bastards to turn around and give ‘em my hard earned money, no sir.

It has garage doors. They only close when the bay is empty.

So let me get this straight. You want to give me a car... that I would then pay to fix/mod so that you can make money by writing about it? I tell ya what, I’m down under one condition. You come over to my house and renovate my basement so I can take pictures and get some serious HGTV forum cred.

I would also have the contractor build the garage CLOSER TO THE HOUSE.

I would park it under the overpass so a bunch of old homeless guys can have an orgy in it.