Your boy, BJR

Everybody ate Chris.

I would like to thank Jalopnik and Chris Perkins for this award. Being No.1 is special.

That's not a Citation, that's a Focus.

All these people not getting the joke...

I mean, I wouldn't call having to run away from your 'home' and not being able to set foot in another country for a year 'getting away with it' per se, but I get where you're coming from.

It all comes back to the flagship issue. If your flagship is a truck – and the Escalade is Cadillac's flagship – you're going to be a truck brand. Lincoln has the same issue. Cadillac's cars are great, but you need a premium car at the top to be a premium brand.

Oh my god am I tired of the jaded snark of some Jalopnik posts. Why does everything have to be either masturbatory hyperbole or decidedly nonplussed bitterness?

Also, with most leases you don't have to worry about maintenance or service as it is included. You always get a car at its best age with the options and color you want.

But where would you be if NO ONE bought a new car?

Reasons for leasing (as long as you aren't Jalopnik's typical 19 year old commenter)

You know whose opinion on this topic I give zero fucks about? Yours.

"The suspect was seen brandishing a Rubik's Cube in a threatening manner. The officer had no idea it wasn't a real Rubik's Cube..."

You have no idea how glad I am I will no longer have to avoid the columns about you and your damn Ferrari. The only articles I hate more are "will it baby".

The ATS-V has the more compelling chassis with steering feel like the BMW's we all fell in love with. It also managed to get around our track faster with a more comfortable ride on the every day drive. However, the BMW features this blue and white badge on the hood that looks like a propeller, therefore the M4 takes

I'd like to make it publicly known that I'd play the shit out of this game.

Penis License Plates... Man the UK is a bit of a nanny state isn't it.
"Do you have registration for that penis?"

I think it's taking so long because there's only one dude working on it all alone in his dimly lit Tokyo office. He doesn't have a charge number so he can only put time into it on his lunch break and after hours. But someday the car will be released and he can tell his kids that the reason their father missed their

Honda says the next NSX will be unveiled in production form a thousand years from now at the 3015 Tokyo Motor Show. It's been a long, long wait for this car, and Honda is talking a big game.

I don't know the answer, but your mom.