Your boy, BJR

Hi There! Having been around a few RR in my time, the materials used are literally so overwhelming, that the design is purposefully kept minimalistic and proper. Otherwise, it would quickly become something like Dartz or Mansory.

Let me give you some perspective on this:

Irony is being high and getting killed by a guy known as Smoke.

If you smoke marijuana, Tony Stewart will kill you.

Kale is really good in lasagna, but that's like defending a Prius by saying batteries are good in a vibrator.

Yes. it could easily be used to roam the deserts of California in search of fuel, Mad Max style.

Why is it that people who are not from the East Coast are seemingly incapable of properly flipping the bird? Just make a goddamn fist and then stick your middle finger up. How tough is that? Jesus....

What the fuck am I looking at?

no, longer

Each new Ferrari will also come with a $100 Olive Garden giftcard for that old country taste.

Tell me again about that time you threw for four touchdowns in a single game in high school... and how that was the high point of your life.

My theory is that exotic manufacturers actually make their cars out of stuff that will burn to a crisp, so there aren't a bunch of exotics in the used market that have been repaired after bad accidents.

I don't know who you are, North Korean thief, but I will find you and I will be neutral towards you.

Insurance fraud is a big deal. I feel more for the heat-of-the-moment manslaughter criminal than I do the premeditated insurance fraud criminal.

Is Alexis a squirter like the Lexus?

You can get a Lexus, for $600, or go down to Spearmint Rino and get Alexis for $600, and Alexis won't leave huge stains on your garage floor when she leaves.