
One of my friends was a firefighter/EMT, and he had an exemption to carry a handgun before he turned 21. He said a lot of first responders carry because they get called to crime scenes, and if there’s a fire or medical emergency, they can’t wait for police to secure the area first. So I’d give the fire chief the

Hey, Xenu’s gotta upgrade from DC8's eventually... 750 million years is a hell of a long operational life.  

Finally, I’ll be able to cross “poop at the speed of sound” off my bucket list!

Gas law

Yeah, but you’d be wrong in this case.

Low tire pressure is how you get to be that guy with a blown tire on the side of the highway in the middle of winter.

Rougher than napkin math but my rule of thumb has always been, for every 10 degrees down, you lose 1psi. So if your garage is 60 and it’s 20 outside, you’ll lose 4psi. Not a huge deal if your tires are at 30. If you’re at 20, though, that’s a 20% drop. Especially if you drive a BMW.

“When an aircraft lands, the landing gear retracts,”

The regular (blue) windex is still my g0-to.

That was my first thought.

1,894 sick passengers out of more than 17 million passengers leaving US ports?

Nice to know that I never stood a chance at sanity or happiness, and neither did I.

Article about leaded gas is immediately followed by a story headlined as: Customer Tells Dealer They Are Underwater $29,000 On Car Loan And Willing To Accept A $2,500 Monthly Payment On A New Mercedes-Benz

Ground duties are usually handled by third party low bidder companies, with low bidder wage crews.  They will handle the planes with all the gentle care they bestow on your luggage.

than chance a near-miss on a runway.

headline should be why an Indian town/region/hwy department didnt baricade a closed bridge. or is google responsible for that?

One of my favorite little beliefs is that if actual Jesus came back, Christians would be horrified to realize he’s actually a Middle-Easterner, and would look like a Westerner’s idea of Muhammad more than anything else.

There’s got to be a morning after...”

a grand piano that had slid off the stage...

Have seen similar bad seas off the coast of Oregon in the Navy. Fun times.