Beat me to it. The landing gear extends before landing.
Beat me to it. The landing gear extends before landing.
My first job, over 50 years ago, was cleaning car interior windows at a full service car wash. That made me appreciate clean car windows. I’ve literally cleaned thousands of them. Back then we did us a solution of amnonia and water, but I can see why a non-ammonia-based cleaner is better. I use Invisible Glass® now. I…
My first time driving in England was in 3 inches of snow. My first intersection was a 5-way roundabout. So this Yank, who wasn’t used to driving right-hand drive cars and roundabouts, couldn’t even see the road markings because of the snow. I just froze. Finally I just started moving and the next 4.5 years over there…
When I was an aircraft mechanic years ago, we had wing walkers when towing in tight spots to prevent such accidents. The wing walker would signal the tow supervisor to stop the aircraft well before hitting anything.
Cruise ships and ocean liners aren’t the same type of ship. An ocean liner has stronger hulls and higher bows for better protection in storms and waves.
I helped a buddy tune his up a few times. The distributor was under the exhaust manifold and next to the exhaust pipe on the original engine! You try to adjust the points on that.
I remember seeing R5's racing at Silverstone when I lived in England. It was hilarious as they were all bouncing all over the place.
Aircraft don’t rust as there’s very little made out of steel or iron on them. However aluminum does corrode.
My brother had one. I helped him install an indash AM/FM cassette and it was a major job. I think that they built the car around the OEM radio!
I wonder if the headline would have included ‘snowflake’ if it had been an anti-Trump license plate?
He’s going to need more than a foot bath after that accident.
Back in the day, I had the Pontiac 6000 version of this wagon with the lowly 4-cylinder Iron Duke engine. It was a great car. I’d buy this one for the back seat alone as my grandchildren would love riding in it.
It’s amazing with todays technology that UFO photos and videos are still visually poor. Even my cell phone can take better photos. Maybe that’s because there aren’t any aliens flying around Earth.
No kids also. What we do have is bicycles including a long tandem bicycle. I can put the tandem plus two other bikes in the back of the minivan once the seats are stowed away. No more worrying about the bikes being out on a bike rack. Plus when we moved recently, the minivan sure did hold a lot of our more valuable…
I was going to say something similar, but you’ve said it much better. Thanks.
Those car washes recycle most of the water used. Usually just the final rinse is fresh water. Of course there is some loss from evaporation but less total water loss than a driveway car washing.
Says a BMW guy? Well at least I have a 1% better chance of not being an asshole than you.
Where’s the clutch pedal?
Take-offs are optional. Landings are mandatory.
The Kia Soul beat out the Element in that market segment.