
I don’t know about siding with either of them - seems to me these two parties deserve each other in an epically karmic smack-down...

At this stage, whenever I hear “diesel shop”, I hear “illegal”,”rolling coal”, “fraud”, and “con”.

In Boeing’s defense, they have to do a bunch of safety testing to ensure that the soap dispenser doesn’t fall off the wall and crash to the floor or have its access door pop open!

She was also in remission. So chemo wouldn’t be happening.

ROFL! Unless that dog is an actual, documented service animal, she hasn’t a leg to stand on. And her cancer came back because she was away from her fur baby for a minute? Uh no dear, that’s not how that works at all. The sad part is JetBlue will probably give this wingnut some settlement money to go away.

A California woman is suing JetBlue, claiming the airline’s refusal to allow her emotional support dog to accompany her last year led to a resurgence in her Stage 4 cancer.

Under the ACAA, JetBlue would have been required to accommodate a trained service dog but not an emotional support animal, and JetBlue’s website clearly states that dogs are not allowed in first class.

ND though I do like it.  A lot of Datsuns from this era didn’t come from the factory with AC and I had major problem with the dealer installed AC in my 201.

I’ll take my chances. I’m not going to overheat or be sweaty and gross for multiple hours just because of a small chance I’ll need to use the slide. If that happens, so be it.

So - is this like the bike riding adage of “dress for the slide, not the ride”?

A closed crowded hot space is a recipe for agitation, it isn’t right but it happens, main reason why I avoid places like Disney and New Orleans, hot, humid, and crowded, I know better than to put myself in that mix for long.

See, he hasn’t learned yet that the job of the cops is to enforce the law for the Rich not against them. He hasn’t learned how to be a happy little stormtrooper yet. He’ll be fired soon enough if he doesn’t though.

Man... I’ve carried more in my old BMW 135i than most people have carried in their trucks lol.

Just require CDLs for vehicles over a certain size/weight.

Seriously. For 90% of the things that Americans use trucks for, both personally and for work, a VAN would be a far better vehicle. Which is why VANS are the work vehicle of choice in literally the entire rest of the world. Pickups are only really useful for a very narrow range of tasks.

I can’t imagine that the relative wieght between a truck and a car matters in the slightest when you are talking 4-6Klbs vs. 200lbs. Either way, you might as well be a bug.

Haven’t read the article, but I’m gonna automatically assume that the already known fact of the high ass hood line is the root cause of all of this...

Probably get a ticket, 3 months probation and a spot on a local MAGA talkshow as a guest hero

“cyclists should not be in the road if there is no bike lane or in an area with sidewalks that are rarely used”

$10 says he stopped at the gas station to grab more beers. Such a kick-ass story that the cyclists went into overdrive, able to stay with him until he stopped, then hopefully (in my mind) beat his ass and dragged him back to the scene.