
well they’re failing on the non-political front. 

Thats cause it kinda sucks. The only thing it had going for it is many people have instagram and signup for threads was easy, so it was simple to try.

Makes sense. It sounds like a boring social media site, basically just an extra messaging service for brands and Instagram influencers. That’s not going to be attractive to heavy Twitter users who otherwise might be tempted to switch, although they might be able to make it profitable.

Exactly. Adding new features is the equivalent of a company throwing a pizza party instead of addressing the fundamental aspects that make it a shitty place to work.

The field is Meta/Facebook/Threads’ to own. If they lose it, that’s entirely on them.

The problem is not just the lack of features, it’s that Meta is ACTIVELY trying to avoid the things that made people like Twitter in the pre-Elon days. They’re consciously trying to dissuade it from being a place where people share political or news-oriented content. They’ve stated as much. They introduced a

The implication is that the sperm donor was likely more involved either with the couple, or with the child than what the article states and that may have been a factor in the ruling. I suspect that there is more to the ruling than the single quote provided from the judge. I’d be more likely to buy that nothing was

I love how the article keeps referring to Harlan Vaughan as the sperm donor to minimize him. He definitely became something different when the child was, ya know living with him! I’m sure there are cut and dry situations out there that would be much better examples of the unfairness of the system to LGBTQ

Yes they absolutely can lose parental rights if they are abusive. The bar set for losing them is just very high, but it is possible. 

Right? This seems really dishonest. 

Clearly there’s more going on here than what is being stated. She moved in with the sperm donor after the fact. It seems a lot is being left out to make the case this is solely about LGBT parental rights, when it probably isn’t. 

Wow that response didn’t make you seem like an unhinged Jolie fan at all. 🙄

“As Jezebel reported” no ya’ll copy pasted a section of an actual piece of journalism

Good observation. He also hasn’t filed any countersuits crying about defamation. He’s been close to silent during all this, which at least prevents the children from reading about their parents insulting each other. 

Yeah... I’m going to be set on fire and banned forever for this, and I’m saying it anyway.

jez has been all trolls for some time now.

Question: when did Angelina Jolie become the second coming of the Virgin Mary?

Not as important as his alleged behavior but yeah... he was very much nominated for an award last night: best supporting actor for his role in Babylon. Not that difficult to search for.