
but they are the only source of revenue that matters when we talk about box office take in

most blockbuster movies need to make 2.5x their budget during their theatrical run to be considered successful, because there’s a lot of extra costs not included in that production budget.

you have your adblocker turned on, which nukes links out to amazon. 

more what i’m saying is that... everyone in Hollywood has made a Bad Movie. like a “flop” isn’t going to ruin his career. like he made a mid film, he’s still hugely rich, there’s no reason for all this. mr johnson you will always be famous. please.

Well he isn’t wearing 900 pounds of make up, so that might have something to do with it. I almost think he looks better

These fucking anti-vaxxers and their dangerously idiotic insistence on undermining herd immunity.

But wait a second - if I go get another shot, won’t I get The Gay? No thanks!

everyone is always relatively healthy till they aren’t :).

But what do I do if I don’t want to randomly get adult onset autism* from this vaccine?

I’m in the camp that strongly believes that these genetic testing companies are really simply enticing as many people as possible to get their genetic material tested in order to create large datasets that can be monetized later. Its a pretty good business model if you ask me. I’m not sure how much the testing costs

Let me rephrase — speaking as someone with a background in hard science: the largely inaccurate tests currently being passed off as “genetic testing,” banked on the general scientific ignorance of the majority of Americans that companies like 23andme are pushing so hard on everyone? That is a fad. Or at least, I

Every time I read about these testing fads, I end up thinking of Gattaca

Customers who opt to get the report will receive one of two results. If the combined genetic risk is deemed to be lower than the risk of being overweight (probably the single largest individual risk factor for type 2), you’ll get a reading of having a “typical likelihood” for diabetes. If the risk is larger, then

Lifehack: to save $200, just ask yourself do you have a grandparent, parent, or a sibling with type 2 diabetes.

C’mon. So the check memo field was supposed to read “Staged homophobic racist beating, down payment”?

Well, Kudos to them for trying something, slightly, different. But they’re still pillaging the mindless Sims community with how an expansion pack isn’t as full as it once was and you basically need to buy a game pack or two, in addition to the expansion pack, to get a proper update in content and features.

Why wasn’t this bill passed back in 1964? What the fuck?

Except vaccination.  Vaccinate your damn kids.

The main limitation of our study is that milk samples were pooled from multiple feeds and were not collected aseptically....we were not able to identify and remove potential contaminants that might have been introduced during the extraction.

I heard an excellent interview with David Miscavige's father, who was the one who led his family into Scientology. He's since left and is spilling beans all over the place, but he gave a good explanation of how he got into it and how hard (and straight up dangerous) it is to leave. I think it was on the Joe Rogan