Jerry's Kids

I have PE firms constantlyccalling me for my industry analysis on the market (tech). If there is one thing to remember, anyone who is considering doing a deal with them, you are a deal with the devil. I’ve seen companies have to open new offices because of the PE demand. I’ve seen the pluses for the company to infuse

Where are all those people griping about not standing for the National Anthem? So your an ass for not standing, but it is okay to punish people for their first amendment rights. 

KJ hasnt looked good all season, but the decision not to use him was odd. Robert's is a master of pitching bullpen fuck ups. Go to any home dodgers game and the moment Robert's comes out to make the change, he gets booed. Every single time.  

Socal Edison is no better. 

Let’s go back to the 50s when the players really hated each other no one dared to shake hands at all. Pretty confident Dick Butkus would have punched Sherman let alone anyone who was on the opposing team. 

I say let’s go right to. Impeachment hearings, not as an inquiry but as the real thing. Then when the white house pulls this shit, the dems have more power and send out the Sargent of arms to arrest pence. He will cave faster than a rat in the white house. 

Hello? Yes, this is Jeff Fisher. 

In the 80s there was a short lived sports newspaper. I remember reading it. It folded, no pun intended. 

I guarantee someone video taped this and it’s on someone’s Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube or Snapchat account.  

Seriously? She isn’t what I’d call a whistle-blower. Who's next? Snowden?  

I want to know why that guy was in North Korea. Why would you go there unless you are Rodman or a prisoner? 

John Cusack? Where's Nic Cage? Oh, I thought this was "Has been movie stars" Tweet Edition. 

Part of the blame should be on ticket brokers. They buy up packs of seats then price gouge. In LA unless you buy a full season you can't purchase field box seats with any of their other packages. Thus to see a premium team like the Yankees tickets were nearly 600 per seat for a field box. It's nuts. And the playoffs

There is only one dude. Big Lebowski speaking. 

55 percent of those respondents. A poll is a sample of people, supposedly and nowadays unless online, folks who pick up a random phone number Vai the mobile or land-line. Not exactly the folks I want as a representative of me. 

“Thank you Mr. President.. " May I have another?

What's mind boggling to me is how the GOP can honestly say nothing to see here. I guarantee if Obama or some other dem president did this, they would be screaming for impeachment.  

I do not reside in her district, but if I did, I'd vote for whoever on the dem side ran against her. Totally worthless human shit stain she has become. 

Why is Yang still in the race? He has zero shot of getting the nomination. And I’m tired of hearing his 1000 a person plan, jokes about his ethnicity and frankly his doublespeak about topics he doesn’t know.  I’d recommend Amy K, CBooker, Yang, Tom Steyer and Kamala Harris get together and step down in unison.

These polls mean nothing. Just a way to fire up the news media, get Trump to tweet the hate, and have Splinter go nuts cause Biden is bad. A bad man.  On another note, go Warren! 😜