Jerry's Kids

Until the dems actually start impeach proceedings, he will continue to do worse things. Hemming and hawking, a typical dem playbook play is tiresome. For fuck sakes Pelosi do your damn job. You are not going to lose folks from doing it. People already hate this mothwrfucker and there are more of us, then Maga and GOP

The problem is that the majority of his supporters didn't vote in 2016 because they didn't like Clinton, so to show their commitment they stayed home. What happens in 2020, if he doesn't get the nomination? Stay home? Then protest when Trump wins again? 

And some of those same people have a place in California like Trump, who owns a home in Beverly Hills.. 

That is somewhat misleading. They do NOT know what is causing these people who are dying, beyond the key constant of vaping.  

I want to know how many of those striking will vote Dem in 2020 and not sit at home complaining. 

I'm pretty confident lobbyists pay, or staff pay. I'm not seeing the grifter pay for anything. 

Dolly Parton, "Working 9 to 5,". Not anymore. 

shitting on the streets, coming this fall on FOX.

Funny, I could have sworn I saw homeless people in Paris. Oh, wait I did. Damn,American err French city.

This is a total marketing and publicity maneuver. No one heard of this company and now everyone will write about them. Publicity, even bad will drive people to their web site and to reach out to them.  And sadly, they will get sales. 

So let me get this straight. Trump brings up a white guy while giving a medal to someone who is Hispanic.  Yep, not a racist bone in his body.

Lose a draft pick if you tamper. If egregious, it’s a first rounder. Tampering ends. Unless your the Knicks, which are forced to draft actual talent. 

Back in the day, I covered the USBL for a radio station. Cold cuts. Always cold cuts. And they always tasted funny. But sports radio people will eat dirt if it’s free. So, the USBL fit the parameters.

I'm sorry, Ramsey and other elite talent that are irked about being on a crappy team are earning millions a year. They chose this career and so no, I don't feel bad for them. What you are saying is if you pout enough because your team sucks, and act like a baby, then it's the team's fault for not trading you. Trust

I saw Saint fans asking for him to start already. I give them one start before the chants begin. 

What is it with people and showing their penis to people? First it was SCOTUS Kavanagh, then Favre with his dick shot, Weinstein hotel style and Brown basically everywhere there are women. 

As long as it's the arm he can raise for his NAZI err MAGA salute, he should be fine. 

To eliminate the ignore subpoena put these people in jail on contempt. I guarantee after a week in medium security they will change their mind. 

I'm surprised he didn't go after Yang's 1000 dollar offer to anyone who breathes and goes to his web site. Seriously Castro is just blah. Blah. Blah is not going to be President let alone VP. We had Blah already. His name was Tim Kaine. 

I'm tired of reeand hearing of NFL players who want out of their current location cause they have some issue. Tough shit. You are being paid quite well, and frankly even if the team is trying to tank, and you have great talent, then it seems feasible thst you could help them when a few games. It's not like they