Evil Roy Slade

you mean they’re not still friends?

I once asked a girl for a Dutch Reach. She slapped me so hard I saw double! Anyway, folks

is a jones fracture when your drummer dies and then the lead singer and guitarist never work with you again (the aforementioned fracture) and basically spend the next 30 years shit talking you even though you were more or less clearly the most talented musician in the group? tough break for simmons if that’s the case

It’d be a lot cooler if he did

who’s gonna make all the arizona iced tea now?

She doesn’t know who to vote for because she’s extremely fucking dumb. There. There’s your answer.

What’s the best food you’ve ever ruined for yourself by eating it too often?

Can I have some money?

Hell yeah +1

Can I have some money?

Hmmm. Ok yes this is a good point.

no one who calls the fear of death “irrational” has ever driven on a california freeway.

Will the beautiful and charming Rom Romberts have a place at another Gawker site?

What is sports? *Who* are sports? Really, when is sports? Thank you.

How about that Peter Thiel guy? What a jerk he is, huh?

would you say that, uh, your views on the issue of air conditioners *cough* evolved?

Douglas! +1

Never give up, Rom Romberts

This guy is the fucking best. There’s no way he’s not in on this joke. Fuck yeah, this guy. Alright.

Drew Magary mad that Stanford swimmer dickhead’s lawyer releases jumbled half ass apology that won’t get Stanford swimmer even more sued than he already will be in civil court. Film at 11.