Evil Roy Slade

And not a word about how this is going to affect The Good Place? Bad blog.

I bet it feels weird to stroke a donger that quickly left-handed.


You should do longform profiles on a bunch of Guys and title the series Let’s Remember a Guy

I’m sure he’ll emerge from the penitentiary system and give the Indians the boost they need to make the playoffs and thwart their shitty owner’s plan to relocate to Florida.

I’ll grant the lady this much: by backing up at the end, she produced the first evidence I have ever seen of reverse racism.

If anything, the people of Renton are known for their nuanced but racist understanding of Washington State tax law.

12th man hates 13th amendment.

shut up shut up shut up

Are we sure she actually petted the dog and wasn’t just examining its suitability as a future coat?

Man that is messed up, and right after he shoots Richie Incognito, I really think we need to take his guns away from him.

Gonna be an interesting day for squirrels.

My favorite thing I just found out about Rabbit Maranville is that he once committed 65 errors in a season and still finished with a fielding percentage above league average

It’s not that men are banned, it’s just hard finding men who are good enough for the showcase. At the end of the day, men just aren’t that funny.

Sure, he’s muscular now, but I challenge you to find one picture of Tim during his playing career where he’s not ripped.

I bet Don Jr. wishes he was as strong as his brother Eric. Dude can’t even pet a fluffy rabbit without breaking its neck.

I dōn’t sēē whāt thē prōblēm īs?

Tom, should you focus on his penis when his balls are the real story? I understand the confusion since there’s not a vas deferens between the two.

Fun Fact.

During Hurricane Gloria, my father (who is not a gigantic shit-for-brains) stayed safely indoors with the rest of the family.