
Excellent! Everything’s falling into place....

Fair enough. I will say that Hindus sometimes do this weird thing where they think acting super hardcore Republican will make them more accepted by white people. I’ve met a handful of people who have really bought into the Republican ethos because they think it’s essential to the whole suburban white picket fence

Univision isn’t owned by Comcast. It’s owned by Univision Communications.

Centimeters maybe.

I have like six comments on this article, and the lamest one has the most stars because it’s the one I posted first. That’s a design flaw.

Pop a vein already, you fucking crook.

Finally my Sarek pon farr fanfic has a chance at becoming canon.

fuck where are my Lexx DVDs at?


They’ll speak entirely in metaphor. Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra!

Still here, giving this a shot. Presumably still in the grays. It’s also my birthday and I was thinking it would be a lovely present to get out of the grays.

Does anybody remember that scene in Joe Dirt where he thinks Jamie Pressly is his sister? So, given the many similarities between GoT and Joe Dirt, the revelation of Jon being related to Dany will not be made until they’ve done the beast with two backs. Literally, there is a magical creature with two backs and they

Your CancerAIDS is awaiting moderation.

Also, to everyone saying “why use logic in a show that has dragons?” Fantasy and Sci Fi, though it has impossible things, has to involve some set of rules. The events have to work within the context of the established rules or it pulls the audience/reader out of it.

In Soviet Russia, meeting has you!


When I was a dorky kid I loved spending an afternoon drawing up my own fictional fantasy world maps.