
I won Christmas a few years ago by getting The Wilford Brimley Explosion a cloth print of a hand-drawn fan map of Westeros which we made into a banner - as far as I know the only other one that exists is in a board game store in Downers Grove, IL; they were the ones that helped me get it for him.

I like Chabon but I’ve not seen that. Sounds interesting.

I really love maps with books and when I’m writing I always draw up maps for my fictional places. I’ve got a ton of maps around my house that go with various projects.

I definitely recall one of my favorite things to do when I was deep in my Tolkien fandom was to pour over the various maps. Really an effective way to become immersed in a world.

As someone else pointed out, Kinja’s designed pretty much to amass as much user data as possible while minimizing actual, y’know, community interaction, so - yes.

Commenters these past 24 hours...

(But also forgot to make sure the commenting worked)

I would upvote this, but I can’t, because clicking on the star next to your comment takes me back to the top of the page.

But we’re out of coffee.

In Soviet Kinja, password changes you.

Nope. You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of Kinja.

The common clay of the new West.

I LOVE DC Cab. Just love that movie. But if anyone thought it was funnier than Blazing Saddles, I would be morally forced to either break off all interaction with that person OR throttle them. Moron’s choice.

And yet, if he does delete that tweet, it will probably be because of pressure from his evangelical base. They won’t stand for this heretical Copernican ‘eclipse’ nonsense.

Blazing Saddles is the funnier movie, but Young Frankenstein is the better movie.

Where the hell is Slap Shot?

You can add

This needs a gimmick account.


Great now we’ll get the unfunny asshole regulars from Deadspin and Jez to comment while the actual good comments gets buried.