
Oh, I thought you were talking about the Ghost of Eazy E. Stupid Kinja.

You win. Since there is no blocking function on Kinja, I’m forced to receive your hate and bigotry. Not worth it. Congrats for getting Trump elected. However, you having actively helped get him elected, you have lost any right to complain his actions. Nice job, you two have a lot in common.

First of all, I know all about your posting history, and the fact is that you continually attacked Clinton and encouraged people not to vote for her. That didn’t stop me because I knew the difference between her and Trump. The numbers among white voters for Trump were almost exactly the same as Romney. The reason he

Blaming an entire class of people for the actions of one man. Classy. Maybe you should have spent more time attacking Hillary Clinton before the election.

This is a guy whose greatest desire is to respected by as many people as possible. He’s going to walk out of this with 70% of Americans thinking he is a PoS, 90% of the world thinking the same way and will be written up in the history books as one of the worst Presidents of all time. I’d be surprised if he didn’t kill

What? Certainly the framers assumed pardons would be used to protect law enforcement agents who deny people the basic rights guaranteed to them by the Constitution.

In the glove box with the ice scraper and the Jade Monkey.

I got a hard 13 for you, right here.

It’s like I said over at the real WoT board on disqus. This feature is the most useless thing on the AVClub. There is like one or two paragraphs and only a couple of listings for tv shows. The real appeal of WoT are things like Jay S’ Jeopardy coverage or any of the regular threads and all of the insomniacs who

Also, it has listings for more than 2 tv shows being aired this weekend.

If IIRC, the search function on the old AVClub was garbage and everyone just used google.

Michael Chabon wrote a nonfiction book of essays called Maps and Legends: Readings and Writings Along the Borderlands. It’s good. I recall a fair bit about the defense of horror stories, comic art, fantasy and science fiction as popular culture.

I’d say BS has more comedy, overall, but that scene with the bags is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in a movie.

Cool. Thanks.

I lent my buddy Blazing Saddles and he thought it was pretty funny. Then he took out DC Cab from the library and was laughing his ass off nonstop. The point being, while comedy is subjective, some people are, objectively, morons.

Hey, come on now. Who doesn’t like a good mystery novel where the author explicitly states who the murderer is on the first page? There is no possible way that could detract from a properly crafted narrative. In fact, mystery ruins a good narrative the same way comments ruin a pop culture article.

If that were true then nobody would know what the word “spoiler” meant.

I heard her for the first time on NPR, probably This American Life. I felt kind of deceived when I found out she wasn’t Japanese. Even more so when I found out she is from Jackson, MS. She used a phony accent for show business, I wonder what else about her is fake.

You seem fun.