Else You Are Mad

Let’s all remember that Garland was the choice for a SCOTUS nomination after then Republican Senator Hatch told Obama that politically he would be acceptable to the Republicans in the Senate. I really wouldn’t expect much change from Garland when it comes to law enforcement standards. 

Are you white or black in this hypothetical?

Usually the corrupt police union pays for any legal representation if the civil/criminal action results from killing blacks people while on the job — even if they were subsequently fired. Once they are convicted though that money is cut off. I am guessing why this piece of shit is claiming he is broke. 

Exactly. If there ever is a successful coup it will mostly happen because it increases ratings, subscriptions, views, clicks, ad revenue etc for the media. If for a second the media thought that installing Trump as king would safely increase their revenue they would both sides the hell out of it until Trump is

Gov. Abbott just announced that he will veto the bill that funds the Texas stage legislature because he didn’t get his voter suppression bill passed. If he does so that means all of those that work for the legislature will no longer be paid for their jobs — secretaries, receptionists, janitors etc and not just the

Fast food will never be able to recreate Nashville hot chicken because of the need for fast food restaurants to make everything both agreeable to the largest amount of people. Sure, they can make a really spicy chicken sandwich but if they named it a hot wing sandwich instead of Nashville hot chicken no one would

It was distributed widely to food banks? I wonder if the problem was known to the producer or distributor and figured they could ship it off to food banks as a way to get a tax write off or make some of the money back that would have been lost if they had to toss the whole lot. 

Same here. The best thing about staying at a decent to good hotel is the freezing AC and unlimited hot water for showers. 

That sounds and looks like something I would have made in college around 3 am after a night out if my buddies and I couldn’t decide on having pizza, grilled cheese or a hoagie.

I think you need to better proof read your work because you keep referring to the white trash piece of shit as a woman. 

I think it is just one or two people that have a safe ungreyed account that they don’t use for trolling and only use it to star their own trolling comments out of the greys. It only takes any writer for a Kinja site to permanently take someone out of the greys so it could also be a disgruntled writer. 

Same here. I was out of the greys twice on splinter before and pretty soon after the great greyening. I really only comment here and on the slot over on Jezebel. I haven’t seen anyone but trolls — who probably just changed their name and aren’t newly ungreyed but I am too lazy to check/I don’t really care — become

While not salad dressing, I was helping my father clean out my Grandma’s house after she moved to live with my aunt in 2012. I found a package of Lipton soup mix that expired in 1989. She moved into that house in 1991. So she kept expired soup mix two years after it expired even though she must have cleaned out her

Yet us non-trolls remain grey all over Kinja.

Haha, the white riot that would last a few hours? Weren’t you people supposed to have continuous riots after January 6 but were too lazy and went back to your double wides and mother’s basements? You are weak and pathetic.

I could see this fucker move into the Capitol to try to avoid being arrested while his obscenely wealthy father brokers an Epstein like plea agreement with the DOJ. And, he will still win re-election because Florida pan-handle.

They say Marxism because they can’t bring themselves to use the N word even though they really want to. 

Netanyahu is more of a Dick Cheney with some Trump mixed in. 

It’s going to be interesting to see what the DA does if/when the DOJ opens an investigation.  

The 1850s...