Else You Are Mad

The only two ingredients I buy when I am making two ingredient bagels are fresh bagels and cream cheese. 

Who? Also what are the chances that he needed that refund because he needed to make rent and figured he would earn some right wing cred?

The IRA isn’t the appropriate comparison. The appropriate modern comparison is apartheid South Africa — but even Israel is more brutal than that towards the Palestinians. You should go look up what Mandela said about the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.

More aptly it is the cops always saying quit resisting while they beat people that are handcuffed so they have an audio recording of the rationale behind beating the detained person. 

Well, there would be but for some reason there is no press present in the area to report any opposing views.

I have noticed that there has been a weird Kinja bug where the last half of final word in a paragraph has been transposed to the first line of the comment.

But, the real question is if Israel reacted with restraint would that help keep Netanyahu in power after he was unable to form a government — war keeps right wing strong men in power. Especially when the one party that would put the opposition in power is an Arab party that has become persona non grata after this new

So, if Hamas is bad then Israel is objectively worse. You cannot blame the oppressed for fighting the oppressor but you can blame the oppressor for fighting to keep the oppressed in oppression. 

Yet, this attack comes only after those organizations in the building started to report that the Israelis were the aggressors in this conflict. That must just be a coincidence and not in retaliation...

This was a choice by the Israelis. They didn’t need to target the building — except they really weren’t targeting Hamas. This is the first time the media is actually giving an accurate portrayal of the conflict with Israel being the main aggressors. Just like how after a Palestinian journalist gave his accurate

*A nuclear superpower with the Iron Dome defense system that destroys nearly all missiles and rockets aimed at anywhere in Israel. 

Shitt (sic) will just use this as a fundraising tool by saying that he is the victim of cancel culture and that blacks are the real racists for wanting to insure that teachers can’t use the N word when teaching the 2 paragraphs and 1 photograph caption dedicated to the black history of the reconstruction to the 1960s

Well, this is an unconscionable war crime — much like most of the actions taken by the Israelis against the Palestinians. But, one of the reasons why calling out Israel for such a red line is that the media just echoed the Israeli line that anyone that points this out is anti-Semitic. Now that Israel has intentionally

Exactly. If Cheney wasn’t voted out she would have been yelling at McCarthy and every other GOP leader in the house instead of at AOC and Swalwell. 

I have been saying since 2010 that if the Republicans are going to call whatever the Dems do socialist they might as well go full socialist and actually do some good for the people. It’s not like the blowback from the GOP and multimillionaires/billionaires would be any different than it is when they pass non-socialist

I have had this very same thought — especially when he was president. There are millions of utterly insane Trump supporters with multiple fire arms that would storm whatever and kill whoever the QAnon nuts determine actually killed Trump. 

The sad fact is that all of these supposedly “news worthy people” are now spewing the same bullshit that was once only a few years ago confined to a few websites, message boards and deep on the AM dial. So when they say this crap as official statements in furtherance of their duty as an elected public official we norma

Came here to say just this. 

Behavior like this has been the norm for Republican far right base since a black man had the audacity to become the president of the United States. This same harassing and trolling behavior has been happening and encouraged by far right commentators and figureheads since the very moment the first Tea Party group decide