
I am a huge fan of seemingly autogenerated manufacturer names like TORRAS and ORNARTO and their kinda parody of marketing

I am a huge fan of seemingly autogenerated manufacturer names like TORRAS and ORNARTO and their kinda parody of

Good to know you’re doing so well, thanks for the info.

Dear incels, this kind of crap is why you don’t get laid. It’s not your looks.


Um, they’re Republicans?

Facebook is a one-sided market. Its customers are advertisers. Its product is user data. Users don’t comprise a “market” b/c there’s no exchange. Just logging on to a website doesn’t make you a customer any more than walking in to a store does.

a) You aren’t Facebook’s client, dumb ass. The companies and campaigns that pay them for your eyeballs are.

After Bush was reelected, Dan Savage and the Stranger ran something about how the ‘urban archipelago’ would win the long game because that’s where the economic engines have always been and will always be.

You make inscrutable things scrutable by putting them on tv. But you have to open an impeachment inquiry if you want the press to hyperventilate enough to put it all over tv.

OTOH we do know that Klobuchar is definitely not Obama, at all.

The weather on Stupid Island sounds great

Why even release a live action Sonic movie now?

What are the chances of primarying Pelosi? Or at least a national effort to get her constituents to pressure her?

they need to spend that entire term ripping those extraneous gears out of the system to unrig it.

It’s not just you. Everything is overwritten, rotting in pointless faux cleverness. It tries to wink at the reader for being “in the know” by referencing stuff that anyone who's read the news knows. It’s Maureen Dowd covering the NBA.

White men are fucking dumb.

This all sounds like the absurdist hell of Schumer’s internal dialogue.

All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds!

Probably you could ask him, instead of judging him by your own shallow standards.