
True! You don’t have to be rich. You could also make learning the rules of the rigged-ass game a major focus of your life, turning yourself into a corporate-knowledge tool.

Thinking that educational value can only be measured in currency makes someone dumber than a bag of rocks, but it ain’t Shaquille

a) there are people being tricked into thinking Everlane is a nonprofit and choosing to pay anything but the lowest possible price

a) there are people being tricked into thinking Everlane is a nonprofit and choosing to pay anything but the lowest

or that stoking his fans’ seething racism is how you get them pumped to go vote against their own economic interests.

Then they don’t hold a vote?

Campaign. Finance. Reform.

If you kill Jon Snow, there’s no (male) left to fulfill the low-key misogynist destiny of killing Dany and restoring ‘justice’.

Oh and! credibility. A battle where like 3 named characters die while 80% of everyone else dies is... what?

The stupidest thing is all they had to do was kill off another 3-5 supporting characters like Davos/Brienne/etc. Doing so would give a) catharsis demanded by all the drum-upping b) balanced perspective on import of zombie-threat and c) avenging-their-deaths weight to the throne-conquering final episodes.

What we heard on the ground is that the Democratic Party no longer speaks for the entire country”

“Guys don’t want to get into a line.” Because we women love waiting in lines for all eternity? I don’t get why this was made gender specific.

Parity is bullshit. The MLB and NFL are beholden to dumbass fan bases that seriously believe their teams are entitled to contention every few years by virtue of being in the league. If anyone can win, no one really deserves to.

Fascinating. In light of this, everyone should be required to buy a gun, and the size and cost of said guns should subsidized, and all regulations of firearms be made unconstitutional.

When did Maureen Dowd start watching basketball?

Per CNN:

All these dudes siphoning each other’s support sounds fine to me.

You’re talking about regular Finland. She’s talking about Republican base Finland, which is just IKEAs and ice. Totally different places.

it’s really the Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc who went right for the kill, giving Trump a gem-encrusted portrait of himself, valued at $1,880

Van... Jones??

The show can come up with some plausible-ish reason why direwolves are immune to being wighted. Did you miss the part about them being very good doggies?