Sexists: Overt sexists (see the criticisms of Warren being a “school marm” type). Subconscious sexists. People who don’t consider themselves sexist but also think a woman can’t win so they won’t vote for her.
Sexists: Overt sexists (see the criticisms of Warren being a “school marm” type). Subconscious sexists. People who don’t consider themselves sexist but also think a woman can’t win so they won’t vote for her.
Bill Simmons just convened a staff meeting to scream at Ringer staffers “HOW DID THEY BEAT US TO THIS?!?!?!?!!?”
I understand that Harden is upset, but before making comments like these after games he should just take a step back and then take a step back and think.
I’m not sure, I’m gonna need to hear Michael Rappaport’s thoughts on this as well.
And your advice would be what, exactly?
But don’t worry, we’re quickly at work to decide just how bad of a loss this was for Democrats via the progressive angle.
A crowded primary is a good primary. It means choices and competition. There are boxes that Beto ticks that others won’t, like I would say maybe the “good feelings” factor - something that matters a whole fucking lot given the vague reasons most people who didn’t vote for Hillary cite. If Beto runs with that good…
New theory, Mueller is going to indict and convict all of 45's kids and let the tantrum 45 throws force the GOP’s hands.
Vote for the person you agree with. Thank you.
I wouldn’t say the Right is any better. I’d just say their target demo is much, much dumber.
I’m not sure I understand the gist of this piece. You’re assigning predictive power to something that I don’t think any economist or scientists would assume has that value. People behave irrationally all the time. The myth that we’re self-interested automatons is dead outside of some particularly conservative…
That’s actually 100% not accurate. No one was trying to “force” white students to leave campus. Day of Absence/Day of Presence has been a tradition at Evergreen for years, and all that happened was instead of holding workshops for white students on campus and holding workshops for students of color off campus, they…
I was kind of thinking that, but then I have to consider pragmatism - because Kimmel is such an apolitical oaf concerned exclusively with broad appeal and ratings-driven popularity, he is in a unique position to actually change some super dumbass minds.