Jer-est of Bears

It doesn't matter if anyone is really going to rape her. The threat of raping someone is fucked up either way.

No, Mr. Clarkson, I expect you to die.

Exactly. I want to get a slim external, but I don't need it immediately... I'll wait for $35.

Damn it, the Toshiba external HDD went up to $45 while I was in the process of ordering it. I guess I'll wait.




I said this to LoniManderson just the other day. The schools by us are freaking out and spending all this money for filtering software, but the kids just figure out ways around them, because fucking teenagers are _always _going to be better at us than technology. It's like my nephew, man. You give that kid an old

That's almost what we pay for regular in Michigan.

And suddenly I have an idea of what to do on my furlough.

I'm an Army brat myself, so I've had the privilege of growing up all over the world. I'm in my 30's now, but I can remember a time when I would've turned my nose up at pomme fritz that were prepared anywhere but Dusseldorf.

...I like to think of that period of my life as being called, "adolescence." Most folks move

What exactly does autism have to do with driving controls?

What is Chipotle? I live in N. Ireland and my only point of reference is the South Park episode where it makes you crap blood.

No, no, I feel for the landlord. Whether it's worth $100 or $100,000 shouldn't matter, you treat someone else's property with respect.

Snuck out of parents house a week before my 15th birthday. 1988.
Walked to the party in the surfer-laden suburbs of Lake Forest (yep,
the OC baby!). Was wearing thin peach top with black bra underneath,
and short black 80s skirt that had those 3 ruffles tiered down it. Was
blonde. Was very blonde due to Sun-In. Was tan.

Not defending red sox fans, but that player also betrayed the trust of every fan who has ever bought his jersey, shirt, hat, bobble head, poster, autographed memorabilia, etc. and also betrayed all those other players who stood up for him. One hit with the baseball doesn't seem so bad.

Three cheers. Every time a woman in a situation like this is willing to file a lawsuit, we should commend her bravery. The knee-jerk reaction by her colleagues, to dismiss and demean her allegations, indicates why. In competitive fields, people often suffer discrimination in silence, because there are so many

Is that a produce tag on the avocado in the avocado and grape popsicle? That seems like not a good idea.

Hey, I like facts too! I think this would be a pretty hard fact to prove. There isn't a lot of quantifiable data, to my knowledge, that lists what kinds of issues teens go to their school guidance counselors to discuss. Also, it's possible they'd skip the guidance counselor and go to a friend or someone they trust to

If a woman calls me a slut in a derogatory manner I take it to mean I'm doing the things she wants to do but is too afraid/inhibited to do.