
I think people can be theologians without being religious themselves...

2021 version: you died of a vaccine preventable disease because you don't understand the wealth of information at your fingertips.

Oh for god’s sake.

Because it’s an MMORPG, and if we start jamming in primarily-multiplayer games into this list, we’re going to water it down really damn quickly? It’s already got questionable things like MH Rise so I wouldn’t want to go further.

I’m just hoping they actually finish the game at some point. I generally avoid early access because I don’t want to play the worst version of any given game. When the developers are satisfied with what they’ve created and don’t feel like it needs anything else, that’s when I’ll play.

I replayed the entirety of the Master Chief Collection after I picked up an Xbox One in 2014 or 2015, and I was surprised to find that Halo 2 is actually great. Yeah, it ends with a killer cliffhanger, leaving us wanting, but moment-to-moment, it’s vastly superior to the first Halo, and frankly, better than Halo 3. The

Really? I remember Troy just fine because it came out when I was in college and there’s so much beefcake in it. Brad Pitt/Eric Bana/Orlando Bloom? Something for everyone!

Mandatory minimum laws are obscene in all instances.

I usually do, and eventually will get that game at a nice discount. And usually on better hardware to boot.

Salad AND TACO bar!

More likely manipulative. Those who quit from fear mongering are likely a high percentage of useless opportunists who want to be first with their CV somewhere within commuting distance. Seen it on a small scale, people leaving early or calling in sick the next day so they can visit a competitor during office hours. I

cant see stains if everything is stained

you're not buying a sex van to HIDE your sexy acts

I think it’s a brilliant idea. You’d always keep the van clean.

I can’t help but to think that the UV lighting in that van is a.... brave choice.

Every van is a sex van if you believe in yourself.

I’ll take a hate-star.

Iesus Chrjst, what a njtpjcky bugger

Look, if God is out there making his password security question case-sensitive I feel it’s on him if you plunge to your death and immortal nazis take over the world.

I would just like to ask...