
There was also a study just released that said the equation used to try to figure out how many intelligent species could be in the galaxy needed a major revision. As they discover more planets and find a lack of ones that could support life the potential number of intelligent species possible continues to shrink. If I

That’s always the point I make as well. Somebody has to be first. Maybe we had the perfect conditions to develop early and we’re the most advanced species in the galaxy. Someone would have to be, it isn’t out of the range of possibility.

I’m shocked, just shocked I tell you.

Yeah, but it’s 2024. Computers have spell checker and can even anticipate what you’re writing. I mean, just look at the red lines. You get paid for this, it’s not some college essay right after spring break. You’re a grown man.

WTF is this article about? Just turn your subs on and off as you please. I’ve done it for years with no issue. I usually only run one sub a month and catch up on content and it’s never been an issue and I’ve never been wrongly charged. What kind of moron cancels their credit card instead of just turning off the

The way I had rattlesnake usually in the southwestern US was with the skin removed, cut into chunks, deep fried and served with hot sauce and they were delicious. The taste was exactly like chicken with a meat texture a little more like a firm cooked fish. like you’d get with a fish n chips for it held together a

Climate change deniers are the ones that are insufferable. That and also wrong.

Sometimes I feel like I’ve entered an alternate reality. Where in the west are people afraid to eat snake? I had deep fried rings of snake with a smokey hot sauce in New Mexico 35 years ago and multiple times at multiple places in the region as I visited over the years. The meat tastes like, you guessed, chicken but

These days making things at home isn’t necessarily cheaper. I made some fajitas the other night because we’ve been itching for them for a while. The meat and limes were 23 dollars and it was another 20 for 2 bell peppers, 2 white onions, a pack of low carb tortillas and a couple tomatoes. I already had the spices for

I’ve never understood that argument. They looked like what they were supposed to be in the last season, high school kids. Some look older and some look younger just like in real life. That and who said they were supposed to stay kids throughout the Stranger Things storyline? You’re projecting.

Good, a Netflix show I’ll actually watch now because I know it won’t be canceled without any satisfying conclusion. More shows need complete plans. Have a story with a beginning, a middle and an end and make it. This open ended, write it as we go crap never works. Never.

It was decent, but anyone that knows anything about history would never be surprised at the “catholic church stole and twisted pagan beliefs” twist. It’s been their MO for centuries and it’s been well documented.

ROFL! This is now what’s considered news on Kotaku? I gave up on this site so long ago and I keep coming here because it’s a hilarious train wreck in slow motion and it never ceases to be entertaining. These are the same clowns that said single player games were dead coming off possibly their best year ever post

Brought to you by Kotaku, the same bunch of click bait talentless fuckwits that gave you articles like “single player games are in a bad place” coming off arguably on of the best years for single player games in decades all because nobody wanted to play some mediocre shooter that had all the charm of an outbreak of

There’s zero chance I’ll even shop at a grocery store that doesn’t have self checkout. I stopped shopping at Aldi’s for years because the lines were ridiculous until they recently added self checkout. How much of a simple fuck are you if you can’t handle a self-checkout machine? Scan the items, scan any coupons, click

Yeah, it takes real skill to run a cash register. Must need years of training to pull things across a scanner. This is more about the stupid consumers that don’t know how to use the most basic of machines.

Total nonsense and complete fiction. There was never a lull in turn based rpg’s. The only time the rpg overall had a downturn was the earlyish 1990's. The genre was running strong in 2017 and had been for over two decades.

I have zero idea what the controversy was even then. I game on PC and my PC’s have been always online since the 1990's. What’s the issue? You can still play games downloaded or on disc offline. I’m happy with my always online PC gaming. I don’t all these disks all over the place, I can play across devices and I can

How does this show get covered here like this. I’ve dipped in and out of SNL since watching it with my parents when it started and I wasn’t even old enough to go to elementary school yet and I’m just going to say that this show has never been good and almost never been funny. It’s had a few great skits over the last

Nothing new here. This has been going on since the late 80's and 90's. When soda switched from sugar to corn syrup they all tasted worse, candy and snacks have gone to shit, and don’t get me started on the meat they pump with water to increase it’s weight (my hamburgers used to be easy to make, now I have to size them