
Don’t be a cunt, earlyberddd.

Well I mean....kinda ignoring the elephant in the room there.  

It is also one of the worst AAA games on Steam, coincidence?

Dude, stop being a dunce. He clearly knew that it was a conservatorship back when it all took place. And wrote about it in 2011. The guy made over $30M in his NFL career. What the hell did he do with all that money?

Fucking hell is musk insufferable.

I don’t really see RPGs as a genre being an effective system seller for MS. RPG “ enthusiasts tend to be PC-based, where the genre is more established and more playable. It’s a rare RPG that plays better on a console/controller, so RPGamers are not super likely to buy an Xbox in the first place; the whole thing

....I don’t think anyone cares?

So Sony was just throwing an Erdogan style hissy fit? Trying to get as much attention as possible....

did you not see what happened over the white Black Panther short that marvel did? Death threats and so much more all over this exact topic... 

This whole article is just a dumb read. I would like to request a refund on the time i spent reading the piece.

And premise.

Was this article written by AI?  Does Mark Keizer actually exist?  Very poor prose.

right? they’re acting like he’s Adam Sandler, who despite a few stunning performances will always be remembered more for the heap of garbage he’s committed himself to. 

Whatever the reason, it begs the question; how many times can De Niro cash a paycheck before he’s known more for his failures than his successes?”

This just in- working actor wants to keep working to earn money. In other news, water is wet.

As a GenXer I kinda stopped going to bars a good 10 or so years ago. I’ll go to one for a meal these days or to go see a band, but just going out to drink at the bar isn’t something that my friends or I will really do.

Wartales is already released now. It already left early access on April 12?

I clicked on the ‘transphobic tweets’ link and I am finding a dearth of transphobia.

No, no they do not need to leave it behind. It is and always has been perfectly acceptable to consume content you like, even if you dislike the person or politics behind the content. It’s called freedom of choice. The constant need to tear down someone because of their political beliefs is your generations biggest

My tip.....lightly oil the crust before saucing. Prevents sauce from soaking in and creating a soggy crust.