Yeah, not sure how “green-screens exist” became an article....
Yeah, not sure how “green-screens exist” became an article....
Sorry, my timeline doesn’t even believe vaccines work. Everyone here definitely thinks polygraphs are foolproof lie detectors.
…or c) these movies are filmed on a green screen and it’s entirely common for people to appear in scenes together without ever having met.
I know I’m a bit older than most streamers’ target audience (33), but I don’t understand why multiple people would watch a streamer just... cook. She’s not known for her cooking talents if she’s lighting her kitchen on fire, right?
Why I have zero sympathy for victims of crypto scams: These people are out there simply begging to be scammed. In fact, the majority are hoping to be on the ground floor of scams in hopes of selling their worthless crap before the bottom drops out.
hope that made u feel better
Counterpoint: sounding “Professional” at work is gatekeeping. Your linguistic patterns are not a meaningful measure of your qualities as a worker.
So you don’t have to watch the video, here are the 5 features mentioned:
This is from 2011. Slow news day?
Don’t clean yellow pillows, replace them. They’re pillows. Don’t be gross.
I don’t think anyone has ever gotten ahead in life bc they wear $120 sneakers (that are essentially the same damn thing as $25 sneakers except for the brand name.)
Valve needs to do something drastic with their IPs. Spin off an entirely separate company, hand over the rights to portal and half-life and let teams that actually want to make games handle things. I know that’s probably not feasible for a million different reasons, but it’s absolutely ridiculous how neglected these…
I can only speak for myself but... “Portal Fan wants Valve to make the next game before he’s ‘too old to play’ it.”
I mean that’s just most of the misogyny in (gaming) spaces, it’s insecurity all the way down. If a hot girl is outperforming men like you, you have to cling to something else that keeps you above her. And if she’s also smarter than you that becomes much harder.
exacty, if there is one thing wealthy people have shown us, once you get money, a smart investment strategy basically sets you for life. there are a lot of attractive people out there with webcams, she is where she is because she understands the system.
I’m not a Twitch user, but she’s obviously smart as hell.
She’s treating this all the way a smart pro athlete does — she’s got a certain window to use her youth and good genes to make money and is rolling it forward against the day that the youth gives out.
Good for her. If people don’t like her content, don’t consume…
She’s smart and knows what she’s doing. She’s shown to be capable of gaming our tax system to increase her wealth and even her “missteps” on Twitch have provided nothing but publicity.
If getting off to hot girls older than you while under 18 makes the women pedos than I turned a lot of women in to pedos in the late 90s....oops.
I think what pisses off so many people is that she *is* smart. She knows what she’s doing and she does it well and she knows when and where to jump in and jump out.