
If any Star Citizen weirdos come in here saying iT Is OuT, and you’re talking about the empty/broken modules that are currently playable, I will turn to dust. 

“The updated versions of these classic games did not launch in a state that meets our own standards of quality, or the standards our fans have come to expect.....but we released them because you gamers have shown you will buy any broken piece of crap day 1 lulz. We wasted so much money on QA on RDR2 for no reason!

Who can make Armageddon worse? The Iron Lady, of course!

Google “long COVID” and get back to me on the quality of life of that entire “survival” thing.

“so few”?

maybe easy pickings that could save 10K lives a year should be celebrated AND we should demand more?

i can’t imagine what galaxy brain you gotta have to argue that we shouldn’t try to save 10,000 lives a year because something else kills more people.  do you also sit down to chew gum?

CM means...? Sorry I try to keep up but the accronym craziness gets a bit much.

Quarterly updates probably would have alleviated a lot of the problems they’ve now created for themselves.

Pretty sure Megan shows up with bodyguards to feel safe, not powerful. She was shot twice last year.

Martin Brundle needs to be replaced. He’s incredibly irritating.

There’s a difference between asking ordinary interview questions of a performer and demanding they do an unplanned, themed performance for you right then and there with no warning.

Jesus, he was just a baby, defiantly taken too soon. I wish his family love and kindness, what could have possibly happened? 

No. People just have different opinions. 

I think Gizmodo/io9 is hiring its writers from the comment section.

This is worse than those ads Peter Jackson made for Tolkien’s famous novel!

Hopefully used more than just set decorations.

B’omarr monk!

Fetty WHOOPS, am I right?

My daughter hasn’t said anything about it to me, so it being down is a non factor in this house.