
ROFL! Nobody fucking cares and stop pretending you do. I’m an older gamer and I have health issues. I also have zero fucks to give about accessibility issues. If  I can’t play games anymore then I’ll watch Let’s Plays of them. The world doesn’t revolve around me. I just knew Kotaku would have some crybaby bitch take

I know, it’s crazy right. I mean who expects a company to tell the truth about a product, sell you what they said, and be honest about the whole process. Thank god nobody else in this world is held to those most basic standards, but then looking at your icon, it’s pretty obvious why “being held to standards” isn’t

What an absolute load of bullshit. Bethesda hasn’t released a good game in 12 years, they’ve constantly lied about their games, even to this day when it comes to Fallout 76, and even the good games they’ve delivered were such fundamental messes that modders are still fixing bugs to this day. Blaming the consumer for a

After Fallout 4 and Fallout 76, it’s not holding them to standards, it’s trying to see if they still have any after not releasing a good game in 12 years. That and what stupid fuck blames the consumer when a company lies? You’d have to be a complete moron.

After Fallout 4 and Fallout 76, it’s not holding them to standards, it’s trying to see if they still have any after not releasing a good game in 12 years. That and what stupid fuck blames the consumer when a company lies? You’d have to be a complete moron.

It’s a sport and sports is an activity with an elevated health risk. Everyone going into it knows that and it’s up to them to decide if the risk is worth the reward of doing it. It’s not your business or anyone else’s to tell someone what level of risk is acceptable for them in their life as long as they aren’t

That chicken foot thing that looked like a Lynx with downs syndrome? I’ll pass, thanks.

That was terrible. Easily the worst two hours of Star Wars since Episode 1. We’re a quarter of the way through the series and no Thrawn in sight, two hours about a map and half the runtime is spent with characters looking at things or each other without speaking or moving for extended periods. It’s a visual exposition

Of course he knew, he referred to it as a conservatorship in his own god damned book he wrote years earlier.

Total bullshit. He knew it was a conservatorship from day one. He even referred to it as a conservatorship in his own fucking book, you ignorant asshole.

Total and complete bullshit. Oher new it was a conservatorship and not an adoption. He even referred to it as a conservatorship in his own fucking book years before. More black crybaby crap.

Meaningless and pointless. Anyone with enough time on their hands and the mentality of someone that harasses others will simply get a VPN or use the one included in some browsers, make another account and still lurk. Or like it’s written here, they can just log out and watch. This is just a band aid on a severed limb.

Mostly ignorant “get off my lawn” style bullshit. Things like electric vehicles and self driving aren’t going anywhere. The self driving tech is in a much earlier place than we were led to believe, but the infrastructure will eventually be in place to the point where it will be harder and more expensive to insure a

Fuck black people that commit almost all of the violent crime in this country. Fuck you, bitch. You’re not a human, you’re a burden.

Black men are around 4-5% of the US population and commit over 60% of it’s violent crime. Fuck black men. They’re a plague on civilization and it’s burden. I don’t give a fuck about this kid.

Who cares? Fuck him. When are we going to talk about the “trauma” caused because black men, who are around 4-5% of the US population account for 60+% of it’s violent crime? Fuck black people. This nation would be amazing if all black men disappeared tomorrow. Black men are the world’s burden and what’s holding our

“She had sex with him anyway!” Future potential single mothers everywhere, take note. 

Ah yes, the old blame game. It’s my young American ass making you write shit dialogue, right? What a completely detached from reality fuckwit.

Talking about how hard it is to have a good love life when you do it through an app should set off an alarm bell or two. Maybe meeting rando’s online isn’t the way to find someone you’ll actually give a shit about. Try to go out once and a while.

This is 100% true. I even oil both sides of the crust for a little extra crisp on the bottom, but only if I’m cooking it on a rack and not in a pan or on another type of flat surface.