
Decent list, but the most important two are missing. First, go super easy on the sauce or you’ll end up with a disk of mush. My general rule is that a small pizza gets half of a standard ladle, medium size gets a full ladel, large gets a full ladel and just enough more to coat everything. Second, if you’re going to

I have to admit I came here with my torch and pitchfork at the ready and was happily surprised. First of all, it’s idiotic to put any rules to food anyway. People all have their tastes and preferences. If you like it, eat it. If someone tells you there’s something wrong with it, tell them politely to go f*(k

Well deserved for fucking morons that play “games” with microtransactions. You’re telling them that you are okay with this scam and they keep doing it. You speak with your wallet and 99% of gamers turned out to be idiots the minute they opened their mouths. I love it. Good on Activision Blizzard. They should double

This is without a doubt, the dumbest western democratic nation imaginable. The right de-regulates everything to the point of self-destruction and the left regulates everything to the point of self destruction. Both sides are fucking morons. We need a centrist party in this nation. Socially centrist and economically

In this case the consolidation is good. Anything that gets Activision-Blizzards leadership out of the industry is good for the devs that work there and good for gamers.

I’d actually say a PC and whatever the current Nintendo system is around. I’ve got zero reason to want a PS and never have. Their exclusives will eventually come to PC anyway. That and they don’t really have any exclusive rpg’s. They stick more to platformers and story driven shooters like Last of Us.

Since when are rpg’s not mainstream. I’m pretty sure games like Skyrim still show up on the bestsellers list from time to time and it’s from 2011.

What does that idiotic comment even mean?

But they always said that was exclusive. And even if COD does become MS exclusive, so what? Sony has been making it’s bank on exclusives since the 1990's that’s they’re whole selling point. Nintendo is almost nothing but exclusives. Sony fanboi’s can’t cry about exclusives when it’s all they bragged about since I was

COD will always be on PC, Xbox and PS. The amount of revenue the games make on PS is too much to leave on the table. They always said Bethesda’s acquisition was about having great exclusives. Sony made it’s brand about exclusives for a quarter of a century so they can’t cry about MS having some now. They can afford to

I’m gonna be honest and say I don’t fucking care. I don’t know these people and anything illegal involving them is their business and for the authorities to handle if they’re involved. I’m still gonna see a good movie with Hill in it because I’m not gonna pretend I vet every single person on Earth. The guy that owns

You can be zen and buddhist without being homeless and poor. You’ve learned it wrong.

You don’t need to be rich to have a movie room. It’s literally just a room with a screen, projector and a couple seats. That’s less than most people have in their living room. And to make it sound proof is cheap af, you just have the exterior walls of the room made from concrete. It’s cheaper, safer, sturdier and

Every time this clown opens his mouth, or his twitter feed, he expresses something dumber than the last time. It’s almost like all of those that have been saying for years what a total moron this guy is we’re right while he was staunchly defending by a bunch of sycophant boot lickers that couldn’t find their own ass

I don’t get what’s uniquely American about it. The rest of North America, Europe, East Asia, India, South America, Africa and Pacifica all burn gas for energy and transportation. That and at least half of the US cities were built with cars in mind and not public transport or walking. You can’t just change the

Gender fluidity is genetic, not a delight. It’s also probably mental illness, not a sexual choice.

Whomever wrote this is a fucking pussy. A fucking weakling. A fucking loser. A crybaby bitch of epic all time levels. Generation outrage at full force. I hope you fucking die horribly and I don’t care about this site or this movie. You’re a cunt.

There’s a life lesson here and also involving classic gaming. Don’t get attached to anything, anyone, anyplace, at all. Things constantly change. Things that we love will be lost forever, things that we enjoy we might never enjoy again. Enjoy the moment, enjoy the journey, then move on. It isn’t capitalism, it isn’t

Fantastic list and I loved the honorable mentions. Anyone that appreciates the original Sid Meier’s Colonization gets it. Still the best 4X in terms of trade and city development in gaming history. I think the problem with World in Conflict was that it was just too far ahead of it’s time. I think if it had a little
