
Or just don’t have any at all? People can bring a bottle of sanitizer with them to the park. Not to sound like conservative trash, but why is tax money even spent on that?

You know these games are mostly made by white people, right? Is anyone stopping you from creating your own games or stories with whatever type of person you want in the lead? The fucking irony is that if the white people that created games created characters of color, they’d be ripped for culturally co-opting. maybe

As a brown haired white boy, do you just not get that statement is as racist as anything else racist. Are all fantasy worlds, mostly created by white men, not supposed to have any white men in them? You could always create your own fantasy world and leave out all the white people your sad little racist heart desires.

That’s weird to me. I generally like open RPG’s with deep character creation because I like to put myself in the game world and see how it reacts to the choices I would naturally make. I guess that’s kind of boring, but for me gaming is the chance to do a thousand things I’ll never get to do in the real world.

I’m so glad to finally play a Star Wars game without Jedi. They’re the most boring part of the IP imho.

Queen Padme was one third of the prequel trilogy, Leia was one third of the original trilogy and Rey was the star character of the sequel trilogy. The lead on Rogue One, the best star wars anything was a woman. Ashoka is a female lead cast with all three main heroes being women. The Mandalorian almost had a co-lead

“woman of color”? She’s Venezuelan, they’re mostly Spanish descended. The Spanish are white people unless you call tan a color. Second, I’m not mad the character is a woman, I’m mad I can’t create my own character. I never relate to pre-made characters including even ones like Geralt in the Witcher series. It’s like

That’s some of the worst art ever displayed here. Just casually browsing sites like DevianArt and Art Station, it’s hard to believe this pedestrian crap is the best you could come up with. AI makes better art in a few seconds.

The 500 they get is more than they’re worth. We’re talking about amateur athletes, the overwhelming majority of which aren’t good enough to ever be drafted into the pro’s and who are likely getting a completely free college ride from a variety of scholarships. I wouldn’t offer them the 500. I’d give them a free copy

Yeah, I mean it’s basically fraud.

All they’re doing is creating a new launcher with a couple mods installed. It takes your average 12 year old PC gamer about 15 minutes, tops. Money has nothing to do with Aspyr’s problem. They’re just a bunch of talentless f*&ks.

So basically these talentless fucks can’t install a mod to a game that PC users have been doing for years now. The gaming industry should be at it’s peak with more talent making more good games than ever. Instead, the industry is flooded with hack morons that are releasing some of the worst games and worst ports in

Google it, bitch. You are owed no “citations” when you have the internet at your fingertips. lazy twat.

It is European folklore and that matters. If white people started co-opting African lore to make movies they’d be driven into the ground. When black people do it, it’s called progress. What it shows is that African culture can’t seem to come up with it’s own stories, legends, and characters so they just paste

So it’s fun to say your racist for not liking what is considered a bad movie? You’re kinda making his point for him.

He’s a freakshow, but is anything he wrote wrong?

They all matter. What makes you think a “professional” movie reviewer has any more insight into anything than “randos”. They’re all on the same level. A historian rando might go to see a historical movie and their insight into the subject gives them a better experience than a pro-reviewer whose degree is in journalism

But we’re supposed to care about what you think? Demonstrated by you posting your opinions publicly, right dumbfuck?

There it is, I knew some piece of trailer trash would combine sexism and racism. Those 50-60 year old white women own your fucking ass, bitch. That and they have actual taste and experience as opposed to some dipshit teen or twenty something that just likes pretty pictures or BIG SPLOSIONS!!!! You’re the shit I wipe

Wow. Ageism and bad taste all in one comment. I’m surprised you didn’t throw a little racism and homophobia in for good measure. You know you’ll be in your 30's at some point and you’ll still have valid opinions, right you dumb bitch?