Jered Mayer

When some wild-eyed, grieving innocent sobs into your phone call, taps the back of your PR nightmare up against the media wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol’ Donald Trump always says at a time

I’m not trying to complain, just looking for general advice, I guess. The first time I saw the #MeToO hashtag circulating Facebook, it was with a paragraph stating it was for anyone who had suffered sexual harassment/assault to share, and so I did, as I had been raped by a woman a few years back. It’s something that

Cut, Color, Clarity, Carat.

I’m in the middle of a Bioshock series replaythrough. I just finished Bioshock last night and will start Bioshock 2 tonight. Rapture and Colombia are two of my favorite fictional settings to jaunt through and I never got to play Minerva’s Den or Burial at Sea, so I’m excited.

Aliens over Alien?

You know what irritates me? All these false apologies and denials. If Trump can get elected fucking President after all of the horrible things he said to and about people, the least these other politicians could do is say, “Yeah, I did call him a fucking moron, because I think he’s unfit for the position.”


I’ve never been more excited to watch the Dolphins than when they announced Jay Cutler was essentially unretiring to be their QB. I wanted to see how the most apathetic man in sports would work on an O-line other than the Bears, and I have not been disappointed.

Just to the nip the rumors in the bud about Amber Heard’s make out buddy: It wasn’t me.

First off, this is great, and I hope it at least helps things progress in that direction.

I’m there for this. I love the concept and I think Jessica Williams is brilliant.

I wonder how many good games I miss out on because I don’t have internet to support group play. I really want this, but I wonder how viable it is for single player only.

How about that touchdown the Rams were robbed of where he landed on a player, got the ball over the line, and had it called down?

No, that’s Fish Mooney.

“I was sitting up high in the T-Mobile Arena, a big black sink with the ring as the drain,”

I’m also playing Death of the Outsider. The world of Dishonored is one of my all-time fictional favorites to the point of obsession, and I’m glad to be back in it. Billie’s limited Void-touched abilities make it trickier to pull off stealth maneuvers, but the lack of a chaos system and the gravity of the overall

I just finished my third rewatch of The Sopranos (it’s one of my favorite shows, and I was just thinking about how good Frank Vincent is (he’s one of the main antagonists the last couple seasons). Tremendously sad.

The real crime here is another Zack Ward role cut too short.

She’s only 28?! Huh.

Episode 2 was so beautiful,so cinematically done, and so heartbreaking. I would have been good on the whole season from that alone, but then episode 6 really nailed what it’s like to have anxiety and depression. Just a cavalcade of negative and fearful thoughts winding themselves into a harrowing, self-destructive