Jered Mayer

Bad Boy sounds like the film adaptation of Tony Fleecs and Trish Forstner's comic, Stray Dogs (which was excellent). The thing is, a different writer was attached to it, last I heard. So this either IS that adaptation, or it's an egregious rip-off.

I just want to point out, at the risk of spoiling a 16 year old movie, that Saw IV runs concurrently with Saw III, so while Jigsaw is dead by the end of it, he’s definitely alive through most of it.

I was surprised and impressed by this film. I went into it not knowing too much about it, and really liked how they gave what could have been a rote premise a fresh spin. Great practical effects, good enough writing that they were still able to inject moments of levity in places that felt natural without losing any of

I took it less as a swipe and more a regret that 1. The studio wouldn’t let him do both Covenant and 2049, which they should have, and 2. Since he *had* to choose, he thinks he picked the wrong one, especially since Covenant wasn’t received as well as he had hoped.

I think the Green Hornet might be in the public domain, but even if not, it’s Dynamite that has the comic book rights to the character, as well as a lot of Golden Age comic and pulp fiction characters (for example, Lord of the Jungle/Tarzan is a Dynamite title right now, as is Dejah Thoris from the John Carter books).

I love Cyclops. Like, top 10 hero all-time for me, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out how 90% of his fucking masks are supposed to work.

How do you write this whole article without once mentioning that the connective thread here is that Tarantino directed Elmore Leonard’s Rum Punch under the title Jackie Brown, a film I think is not only probably his best start to finish, but also what Leonard says was the best adaptation of his work?

Walking Dead: Dead City’ premiere had 2 million viewers, making it the most-watched season premiere in AMC’s history. So, yeah, there are still lots of fans. Sorry you think it’s bad, but I’m sure there’s plenty else out there for you.

I’ve got to get caught up on the Phase 2 stuff, but I really loved Phase 1. There are some great Jedi characters in that period (Avar Kriss, Stellan Gios, Keeve Trennis, Elzar Mann... Yoda) and some great villains in the Nihil (Marchion Ro, of course, but also Lourna Dee, and Pan Eyta, plus their whole hierarchy

I've always liked Castle/The Punisher as an anti-hero, but it is exciting to see a new character with new motivations/potential villains take on the mantle.

Otto in that jacked clone body was the best thing since putting Red Skull in a jacked clone body, and his Superior Octopus costume was incredible. The fact that they got rid of both is just awful.

I’m still a sucker for these shows. I read the comic start to finish, and loved the flagship show all the way to the end, especially in the ways it deviated from the source material, including new characters, dead characters who lived and living characters who had died.

Man, shut the fuck up. The first woman to be Captain Marvel was always Black and debuted 41 years ago. Nick Fury was Black in The Ultimates over two decades ago. Kamala Khan has been around for a decade next month and was always Pakistani and Muslim. People like this exist EVERYWHERE, they deserve to gave heroes who

You had me at evil Paul Giamatti.

I liked The Flash, but this is hilariously dumb.

God, I love the Deathgate Cycle. Haplo is such an asshole, but his magic sure is cool.

First manga I ever read. One of the first anime films I ever saw (along with Akira, when I was in 4th grade or so). The film adaptation is in my top 30 all-time, because I love it so much.

The thing about Edi is he looks more like Mr. Terrific than Mr. Terrific normally does, in which I mean Terry is an Olympic decathlete, which has a lot of track events. I buy a leaner figure for the actor playing him.

Guy Gardner isn’t just my favorite Green Lantern, he’s in my top 10 comic heroes period. And if I can’t get Nathan as Booster Gold, I will GLADLY take him as Guy.

It’s more a neurosis of mine than a necessity.