Jered Mayer

Thank God Marshawn Lynch isn’t playing for Seattle anymore so that I don’t have to feel dirty enjoying his play.

I’ve been waiting for this for ages. I was a die-hard Unicorn player in L5R and followed the fictions religiously for years after I stopped playing. I saw that FF has resurrected the fiction aspect with a few pieces but I haven’t taken the time to read them yet. Kaze no Shiro I think still has a massive catalogue of

Seeing it laid out like this, I didn’t realize how much I liked the 80s and 90s style.

Unrelated, but I always thought that Neil Marshall and his team from The Descent would have made a great R-rated Creature From the Black Lagoon.

Aw, Lauren, don’t ruin The Descent for me. I love that movie.

The last thing I want or need is to see Patriots win any more games, but I would never wish injury on a player. Edelman has always been fun to watch, even if I loathe the team he plays for. Here’s hoping he has a speedy recovery.

Bojack Horseman was first pitched to me as a “hilarious” show by a friend and I hated it. Watched it on my own half a year later with a clear mind. It’s absolutely one of my favorite shows but a total emotional roller coaster for me. There are unfortunately far too many relatable moments to my own life and that of my

Is this really a thing? It wouldn’t surprise me, but I just haven’t seen it.

Great art is about education, expression, and when it’s necessary, dissent. If you reach a level where your craft is taken in by others, you have an opportunity to say something to those others.

I have the biggest crush on Emma Stone. She’s clever, has great comedic timing, seems down to earth and kind of goofy, I loved her in Birdman, and she was Gwen Stacy right off the page (been a Spider-Man fan since I was 4). It’s nice to see she’s advocating for wage equality, too, which is something I’d like to see

I will never understand the hate for Chris Pratt who went from being chubby and kinda famous to ripped and famous. He’s always struck me as a funny, genuinely nice guy who is charismatic in his roles.

Die-hard Cowboy fan, but I never get tired of seeing the clip of THAT one-handed catch. OBJ is a lot of funto watch, even if I hate it sometimes.

Somewhere Gronk is saying, “Nice.”

I laughed out loud at “At least it wasn’t Chasing Amy” because I’ve seen that movie something like 30 times. I’m not saying it’s good or right, it’s just weirdly the movie I go to when I’m feeling lonely.

That seems kind of shitty.

What’s your problem with Hotel California?

You know he does this for every team,right?

Hands down the best fan contributions so far this year.

I’ve lived in Anchorage (not a big city, but loads of tourism/military), Los Angeles, and Seattle. Been all over the states. I’ve been thinking about this for at least a year (why? Why?), but I honestly don’t think I’ve ever met a Jaguars fan. I don’t know any personally, but beyond that, I also can’t recall a single

From Alaska, in Anchorage currently. When the news hit last night and I loudly let everyone know, the bar let out a collective “Nooo!”