
Really glad he said this.  I know some people that listen to him who probably need to hear it.  

Where do you see wealth politics? I see perfectly legitimate questioning of the environmental impact of services like this in the last fifth of a long and detailed article. Should the extremely valid concerns raised by carbon-powered transport not be covered on a site that’s dedicated to the subject of motor vehicles?

TBH,we sort of did (Oprah’s Harpo Studios in Chicago),but his is technically the first lot I guess;either way,for someone as invested in filmmaking/directing/etc. as he is,and as much as he puts into it,this has got to be a major dream come true for him,as well as others in his arc. Good for him!


It’s not that surprising. If I recall correctly, Trump whined back during the halcyon days of the Mueller Report that impeachment would tarnish his “legacy.” He’s obsessed with being remembered for “something,” but is too stupid and senile to actually come up with something with a lasting impact. I think he believes

Until he does some real foul shit...”

I had a metrology class with a guy who moved to town not that long ago, from Texas. He was complaining that when he wears his Trump hat, the girls don’t talk to him, and if he tries to talk to them, they’re already angry at him, even though he hasn’t said anything.

Isn’t it the same plot that Carrie Fisher tried to pitch when she was on 30 Rock?

Now playing

The 1970s series of Agatha Christie movies has never been surpassed (because they’re perfect). Last year’s Murder on the Orient Express was nowhere near the flawless 1974 classic. So now they’re doing Death on the Nile, but who can top Bette Davis and Maggie Smith? (No one)...

The Elizabeth Warren/Marine rumor is one of the funniest and most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard in my life. I love how immediately it backfired, though, because we would all root for a 70 year-old-woman to outsex a 24-year-old Marine.

There’s an easy solution for this that most places ignore: Just let the restaurant make their own policy and have them post signs indicating what it is.

Holy shit there are going to be so many memes about this. There's going to be a movie. There's going to be long History Channel documentary series about this. Derek. 

I’m a fan of ‘OMG, We Can’t Let This Happen Again” strategy, personally.

That paragraph is Anne’s opinion/writing, not based on what Warren or her people are saying (for I can’t imagine anyone admitting ignoring any group of people who could vote for you).

Yeah, the fact that she was a bootstraps Republican until she started studying bankruptcy and working with bankrupt clients is a point in her favor, to me.

And I’m a white woman. She doesn’t need to work on outreach to me. I’m voting for whoever wins the nom. She does, however, need to energize young voters. And if she can’t engage with black women she’s toast. I don’t mind being ignored. Just, please, for the love of all that is decent and just, boot the carny handed

Wait, so now we are punishing people for having the maturity and ability to recognize they were wrong and doing something to fix it?! Honestly, it makes me like Warren more that she had the guts to realize she didn’t align with the republican party anymore and moved to the left. We need more self-reflection in this

You like her lame ass pandering to black voters late in the game?

Seriously, why would I put tofu in a burrito?  It seems... wrong.  Just beans and rice and cheese for me if I want to go meatless, and it’s still largely a good experience.

I mean, in Chipotle’s culinary milieu the obvious plant-based protein to put in your burrito or bowl is *legumes*.  I would say beans, but lentils are also potentially appropriate.