

Giving free air time to the Trump campaign is how we got a Trump presidency in the first place. There’s no intellectual merit to letting Giuliani onto their networks.

“You’re in a box because you’re a Democrat and you’re thinking, ‘I want to help the party, but she’s going to hurt me, so I’m going to help President Trump,’”

or the plural of letters or figures (as in ‘the 1960's’).

It’s been a decade after the Great Recession caused by their meltdown. Had they shown any kind of effort to self-reform, self-policing, and/or self-reflection, maybe we’d care. But they haven’t even had the good sense to do even the bare minimum.

“You’re in a box because you’re a Democrat and you’re thinking, ‘I want to help the party, but I’m a piece of shit with no principles, so I’m gonna back President Trump’”

“You’re in a box because you’re a Democrat and you’re thinking, ‘I want to help the party, but she’s going to hurt me, so I’m going to help President Trump,’”

I used to work in the Wall Street world because it’s the only place I could find a job. On my first day, I had to disclose all my recent political donations (required by law) and the only one I had was to Warren’s senate campaign. I was wondering if they would fire me on the spot.

As long as they’re also in the bus, let’s hope.

Boy, they are just going to drive this “the real crime is the reporting of the crime” bus right off the cliff, aren’t they?

C+? Why are you reviewing South Park if a really good episode like this gets a C+?

As a juvenile probation officer (for juvenile sex offenders) I have to say that most of our focus is not on the punishment or incarceration of children; but more focused on the children receiving the counseling and treatment necessary to deal with not only their offense but any underlying trauma

You’re right, twenty minutes is an awfully long time to be hitting someone, and that’s alarming. I still feel that children should be treated differently from adults, so, while I agree with every point you’re making, something inside me just protests treating children like adult criminals. At that age, I must believe

The Nuremberg Defense is and always will be horseshit.

This isn’t necessarily what people are going to want to discuss the most when talking about this episode but, seriously, the vaping ban is absolute fucking horseshit and is a rather transparent example of the government being bought off by big tobacco. All of the people who died were vaping some kind of dodgy THC

Arresting children is the wrong move; criminal law is for adults. Hence, I’m all for the 28-year-old person in this mess being arrested. Not interfering when violence is committed, is a crime: failure to assist. The 10- and 11-year-old need to be sat down, counselled, threatened with expulsion, do community service at

I have a daughter who was a percussionist...something you might not have noticed but I did...the kid’s parents make him wear ear protection when he plays. Good parents.

I courtesy flush when I’m home. ALONE. It’s when I don’t that the authorities should be called.

What a gem of a human being.