
Ugh I feel this in my soul! I used to anthropomorphize my crayons, my marbles, stuffed animals, dolls everything was fair game in creating stories for myself when I was young. And I used to be able to bang out 10 page fiction or poetry just because I was in a mood, or it was raining. It’s so much harder to access that

You should have seen the look on the drive-thru lady’s face last night when she had to explain to my kid they had none of the Pokemon Happy Meals for him. She felt terrible. This is so dumb. Get better hobbies, grown ups.

They used to (may still) belong to my mom’s Ashram and I would run into their whole clan at big events. They’re really the nicest, sweetest ladies.

There are foods that I still won’t eat, as an adult, because my only memories of them are of my parents FORCING me to eat them and us having arguments about them at the table. I’ve always said I’d never make my kid eat anything he really didn’t want to. And that’s been challenging because he has a lot of flavor and

This is definitely not a set for grown-up collectors. But my 9 year old is pretty happy with it. Although he’s really only built the figures and has been driving me BANANAS making Mario play all of his sounds all around the house. It took us like 3 months to receive the starter pack and I immediately ordered 1 other

We used to take long, 2 hour lunches, in turns just to go pick up from the drive thru in The Loop. God, I miss this place.

They’ve been running in NYC since around Christmas I think. Makes me want to throw a shoe at the TV.

The grocery stores near me in NYC sell single serve ice cream by B&J, Haagen Daaz (sp?) and Breyers. I’m always weighing the option of more packaging vs having to use will power when I buy ice cream.

I lived in Chicago for 15 years and the party-pizza was the dumbest thing I encountered in my time there (besides everyone who was ever Governor while I was there.)

I feel like this is all good except maybe the cheese? Normally I’m 100% for cheese but I think it would be weird here.

I AM a parent and I hate it too and resisted it for the first 6 years of my kid’s life. And then HE told me he was sad that Santa didn’t send an elf to watch him like he did his cousins. So now we have a damn elf named Christopher that I have to remember on top of everything else during this damn season of stress. I

awwwwwmaaannnnn. I saw a headline about this reunion and I thought Lifetime was making a Facts of Life movie. Booooooo

Oh good they did? They’ve been teasing it for a while now and I’ve been waiting to subscribe until they pulled the trigger

What is Death of A Nile? Who is Nile? There’s more than one of them? Is it a family name? Should it be Neal? Death of A Neal I can get behind, I know some rotten Neals.

Does he really think the word is spelled “Liddle?”

me too. it’s a weird week.

I went in the 80s. Glad to hear there’s an uproar.

The hot dogs are good, The Mother-in-laws are better but why are we not talking about the hot links & rib tip combos? When I miss Chicago food I usually miss those the most.

The best thing about the stupid, over-priced, reserved seating at most theaters these days is that you can comfortably skip the previews and roll in with your snacks just as the film starts and still have a good seat.

I don’t think it’s Disney specific. Kids movies just = too many trailers for garbage looking movies. Even my 9 yo thinks so.